Tag Archives: “Xbox Live”

It’s All Child’s Play

Had a team meeting the other day… was around some internal news around the New Xbox Experience but seeing as it’s now October, we had an added bit of news around the annual Giving Campaign.

I’m not sure how many people outside of the company know it, but every October there’s a huge organized effort to get involved with all sorts of charity organizations. Not that there aren’t people here that give time and money during the other 11 months of the year – as an example, Sara Ford spent a whole slew of time working with Katrina relief. Also, there’s Bill and Melinda – no further explanation required. So, when there are sizable meetings in October, there’s usually a “reminder” about the Giving Campaign and a highlighted charity that the team is “sponsoring.” For Xbox LIVE, the highlighted charity is Child’s Play, which was started by Gabe and Tycho at Penny Arcade. Who just happened to be in our cafeteria, to talk about the org and how Child’s Play works – they both hung around after the meeting for some quality time around the ping-pong table…

Nice guys the both of them – not only are they now responsible for the largest player-event of the year but they use their web comic to continuously battle the “Jack Thompson-esque” attacks that our industry and players have to live with… on top of that, they are actively working to help kids in hospitals around the world… good times.

What can I say? Xbox LIVE rules. *g*


Xbox.com: Transferring Content Licenses to a New Console – Got a new Xbox 360® console? Great. But maybe you downloaded games or other content from Xbox LIVE® Marketplace onto an older Xbox 360 console, and now you want all that content on your new system. Well, now there’s a way to do it. With the license transfer tool, you can transfer the licenses of all your previously downloaded content from your old console to the new one.

This freakin’ rules!

Xbox Live: Due!

Saw an interesting article somewhere in the wild about not being able to view your Live account information from your old Xbox, after you’ve transfered your information to the Xbox 360. The article went on to say that you wouldn’t be able to do this, since the 360 has new security protection in place that is only found on the newer box… I figured it would be due to the nature of “transferring” your account over to the new box: that implies that you move it from one to the other. At least that how it works with stuff like phone service and Sirius radio.

I was wrong: my old Xbox can still use my current Live account to play online! I once said that backwards compatibility wouldn’t matter, since the old Xbox doesn’t “expire” when you buy a new 360 – I had never realized how accurate that statement was! I figured I’d have to limp along with a few trial memberships, but nope: it’s still online and very much aLive.

Now alls I need is a new receiver – one that can handle three Component devices and five Optical inputs, since my TV has only two Component and my receiver no Component and three Optical… yay!