Tag Archives: TV

Lead Belly And The Opera Singer

How do you know you’re devoted to a TV show? When you watch the low-def version of the penultimate show on the east coast feed, rather than waiting another three hours for the HD west coast feed.

I won’t say a word in way of a spoiler about the second to last episode of The Sopranos, but I will say that I now have no idea how the show will end – in all seriousness I have some ideas but they’re really just all of the possible outcomes now, rather than a hunch – and frankly it was the most painful episode I’ve watched in a while… Honestly: my stomach is still in knots after being on pins and needles, waiting for stuff to happen. Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, 24, Babylon 5 – great shows, but they didn’t cause me stomach cramps…

And God knows that cramps are a great barometer for TV quality.