Tag Archives: Sucks!


MSNBC: A 19-year-old man suspected of killing a woman who answered an online ad for a baby sitter was charged Tuesday with second-degree murder. […] Olson had gone to Anderson’s home Thursday to inquire about a baby-sitting job she had seen advertised on the popular Internet bulletin board Craigslist, authorities said.

Be ready, folks: a huge “the interwebs are unsafe!!1!!1!” backlash is about to begin.

The Randomness Of It All

It’s not often that I ask the question “Why me?” because I usually know why things happen to me. A bad decision. Not checking the expiration date on a carton of eggs. Picking blue instead of red. Moving too quickly when I shouldn’t have; moving too slowly when speed would have helped. Over thinking or under thinking at the wrong times… Last night I was witness to an episode of my life where it can only be assumed that my existence on this planet is for God’s laugh track. Actually, I discovered my ultimate purpose before high school, but every now and again I’m reminded of it.

Usually I’m OK with it but for some reason, this one just isn’t sitting well…
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