Tag Archives: Sirius

Dear Alt Nation, Channel 21 on Sirius Radio

I’ve listened to your channel for quite some time. You generally play a good mix of alternative music, both old and new. You do sometimes repeat the same songs a few times a day, but I can understand that. As it is, I’m sitting at a computer for about nine hours everyday: I just leave the streaming client play itself out. For the most part: I do turn it off at 3:58 (PDT) every day because Madison… her singing intro is just, well, annoying. I know it’s meant to be but it doesn’t mean I have to listen to it. After the intro she’s OK, but, just, damn. It’s painful at 4pm.

Right now, though, I feel obligated to point out something wrong with regards to your programming… the Beastie Boys are not alternative rock. They are old. They are wannabe rappers. They are played no less than five times everyday. The same five songs everyday because they aren’t putting out new music. It’s like these program directors that are working for a radio station but have a “favorite” band that they try to inject into the playlist no matter how much it doesn’t fit. It would be like Left of Center playing Styx or Chicago: it just doesn’t go. You… you program director bastard, you may like the Beastie Boys – that’s fine for you but for fuck’s sake stop putting it on Alt Nation!

It’s hardly alternative: it’s simply annoying.