Tag Archives: Sex Survey

Sex Survey

I need the net-based citizens of interwebs to weigh in on an issue for me… it’s one part sociological and one part I-Don’t-Understand. The situation is this:

A couple have been together for over a year. Both people in the relationship are between 27 and 29. They aren’t having sex because one of the people in the relationship is afraid to take that next step for different reasons. One is an unplanned pregnancy. Another is that it would be the first time. Lastly, the worried partner is concerned because a younger sibling [also in their 20’s] have not had sex yet and they don’t want to set a bad example.

I have an opinion on this that I won’t share yet because I don’t want to taint the survey, but I’m asking you all: do you consider this normal/weird, healthy/unhealthy?

Comments are open – post away.