I don’t often spend time in FeedDemon during the weekend… most blogs take the weekend “off” and I figure that I can play catch up for the extra 10 minutes on Monday morning. And it’s on that morning that I try not to post anything because I already know that 50% of what I read makes me cranky. Like hearing that “60% of Vista needs to be re-written”. How in the hell can people actually believe that? Especially after the last two CTP’s… Pft.
Another classic comment came from The New York Times, saying that Microsoft should do what Apple did: orphan users by “not worrying about backwards compatibility” and fling a VM at them. That one makes my ass twitch. Not because Microsoft would do it. Hell, if the tech reporters were to be believed, that’s what the original Vista plan was, before the 2004 “shake up”… and the reporters freaked when they heard that which caused the public to freak. That’s what makes me twitch: if Windows PC’s are 90% of the marketplace, what should Windows users do if we just said “Oh, you need a new version of your applications on Vista”. Riiiight. That would be smart business. Snort. The only reason why Apple could do it is because they had 2% of the marketplace at the time. Meh.
But that’s not what got me to break my silence this morning… oh, no. I was willing to let that go, until I stopped by TUAW.
Continue reading My Head Hurts