Tag Archives: Red Bull

And Now For Something Completely Different

As most people that have an Xbox knows, Xbox LIVE is currently down.

While the scheduled maintenance is going on, my team (and group) are tasked with verifying that all things are right in the world of LIVE before LIVE is turned back on… so yes, for this brief moment in time, my job is about playing games at work for test purposes. It doesn’t happen often, but since it’s happening today, I thought I’d fulfill everyone else’s expections of what my daily job life is supposed to be like… sadly, I spent very little time testing games at work – when we do play at work, it’s only for fun.

To keep the people of the Xbox LIVE machine humming happily, I present to the world the current contents of my office refrigerator:

Yes – that is a lot of wings and we will be using them all day and night!