MSN: Coolest cars in song – Red Barchetta (1987)
Amazing the difference a year can make. Rush wouldn’t have been considered for an article such a this… in fact, MSN could have been guaranteed a huge flux of hate mail for leaving Red Barchetta off the list. Now, a year after Rush has been accepted into the Hall of Fame, they are #3 on the list of cool cars, ahead of Springsteen’s Pink Cadillac. Color me happy.
Of course, MSN will still get flooded with emails from Rush fans for this post: Red Barchetta was written in 1980 and released in 1981, on Moving Pictures. Any similarities to “The Last Chase” is strictly coincidental, but I’d forgive MSN… taking the time to do the research on the R&T article and track down a picture of a Ferrari 166 will do that to ya.
Hell, what can’t a Ferrari fix?