It’s snowing in Redmond.
Continue reading Strange Day
Tag Archives: RandyRants
Been a busy, busy weekend.
Found myself in Connecticut on this past Thursday morning, and I swear that I couldn’t remember how I got there. Now I find myself in Washington and it feels like I haven’t left at all. Almost like a short TNG Mirror Mirror episode, or something.
Continue reading Oof.
Lost Day
Jeez – ya take one day off and leave the computer at home and Apple unloaded a bunch of new stuffs on ya.
Continue reading Lost Day
Brundle-ian Moment
I cannot believe I actually took the time to pluck a grey hair off the top of my head this morning. The three that have continuously grown back in my goatee are easily dealt with, since they’re right there, but still, this somehow felt completely ridiculous.
And what the hell is the point of hair that grows out of your hair lob and on the outside of your ear?
Aging. Feh.
J-Walk Blog Link Experiment
This post was brought to you by the letters Alpha and Omega, the number Pi, and by this blog.
[“It’s a science experiment!” – E. L. B.]
I’ll admit it: I’ve had some dark thoughts lurking around in my head lately, and they involve education. More of the question of: to PhD or not to PhD.
Continue reading Education
Gone Campin’
Yeah, I know it sounds weird to hear me say that, but it’s accurate enough for now… w00t!
Pocket SharpMT Podcast
What’s this? Randy doing a podcast? Um, no… I’m still pretty sure that my voice is not ready to be offered for public consumption, so I’ll stick to my written text, thanks.
Pocket SharpMT, however, has made an appearance in a Podcase, though – you can hear about it here: The techAddiction Show #16 – and thanks to jk [OnTheRun] for the plug!
Just a quick update on life, happiness and everything.
Continue reading *bump*
Reflections: Pacific Northwest Edition
Has it been a year? Already? Yeah, actually, it has. A year ago I hopped off a plane at Sea-Tac on June 11. Took a rent-a-car over to my temporary housing in downtown Seattle, with a couple of suitcases filled with clothes, and a signed offer letter from Microsoft.
A year later, I’m a “property” owner in Redmond, I own a bike and helmet, and have been lurking around for a pound of “special” M&M’s to bring into work on Tuesday – it’s a tradition in my group to set up an offering of M&M’s (or other candy) to the digital gods every anniversary of your StartDate: one pound per year. I’m also watching it rain at the moment, in weather that’s almost too cold for shorts, even though it’s June…
“Man, I ain’t changed, but I know I ain’t the same” [Wallflowers] or as I like to think of it: w00t.
Strange Things Are Afoot
When does 1 + 1 = 10?
Continue reading Strange Things Are Afoot
Weekend Observations
In the middle of a nice long weekend, I’ve turned off the Yankees game – not a happy camper tonight – and have been going through some backed up DVR recordings… time for a mini-recap.
Continue reading Weekend Observations
New MSN Search
MSN Search has been relauched and looks to be pretty freakin’ good. The home page has been revamped and personally, I like the new layout – a bit cleaner and easier on the eyes.
Why the plugs? As of yesterday if you searched for “Randy” I was the first in the list *smirk*
Reflections of a Temporal Kind
My vacation is just about over, now. Sadly, I did not one bit of coding for my side projects this holiday season – sorry about that – but winter is settling in, which should help to keep me in front of a computer (or an Xbox) more often than not. I also took the down time to tweak my ThinkPad: I’ve ordered a replacement modem for my T41 – for some reason, they stacked the internal Bluetooth module onto the modem – and popped in an additional 256MB RAM which brings me up to 1GB. I also pinged IBM for a replacement keyboard and write rest, since they are worn shiny and covered under warrantee…
However, the big reflection came to me while I was driving to my parents’ house last night.
Continue reading Reflections of a Temporal Kind
Today, I’m Being Tested
It’s 7:51am on a Thursday morning. On a normal Thursday morning, I’d be at my desk, looking through some test results that ran during the overnight, but today is not a normal Thursday morning. At the moment, I’m sitting in a Tully’s in the Eastgate section of Bellevue, all types of pissed off, and it’s not my fault that I’m pissed off… but it will be the first true test of my self control in a non-east coast setting.
Continue reading Today, I’m Being Tested