I have a stone in my shoe and you know what that means…
Vent the stone.
Continue reading Customer Service? I Think They Discontinued That Model
I have a stone in my shoe and you know what that means…
Vent the stone.
Continue reading Customer Service? I Think They Discontinued That Model
While a new Weber Spirit E-310 is sitting on my patio, I don’t think the MINI was at all happy, having to ingest it after we bought it at Home Depot…
As you may or may not have heard, there is a tanker in the Pacific Ocean that is slowly sinking… the crew has been rescued, which is really good news. Last I heard, the tanker looked like it would be going in the drink. A tanker that is full of cargo. Full of cars, in fact. Full of brand new cars. While my Mini in route from England to California… via a boat. Riiiiight.
Anyone care to place odds on the probability that my Mini will sleep with the fishes?
Continue reading The Ultimate Randy-ism
[insert Snoopy dance of joy]
My Mini has been built and is sitting in Oxford, England, awaiting transport!
I wonder if it misses me.