Marketing is one of those skills that is rather… intangible. Subjective at any rate. Or at least elusive.
In years past, I had the annoying habit of finishing projects on time. I was even accused of padding my estimates for work tasks. That one always amused me… I would give a figure, say, two weeks. My boss would then pad the estimate to 3-4 weeks, because he never liked or trusted my figures, so the 3-4 weeks estimate would be passed on to the higher ups. In some cases, all of the code just popped into place and I’d be done a day or two early; worst case scenario would have me done exactly on time, within two weeks. I’d then get yelled at for working too fast, since it was way under the 3-4 weeks. Ah, the joys of confused management.
Anyone ever have problems with marketing yourself? Is there a fix for it?
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