Lindsay Lohan arrested again
I don’t know much about Lohan. Maybe it’s because there were enough Paris headlines in the news that as soon as I saw that smug blonde face I clicked away a page or changed a channel… the most I knew about Lohan was that they had to digitally reduce her chi-chi’s for the Herbie movie because Disney was “concerned” about her figure being “too much” for young viewers.
Then I saw this on CNN today. And I have to say that I’m… I dunno what. Taking the star status, the girl-next-door face, and the popping chi-chi’s out of the picture this is what I’ve seeing: a woman that’s just got out of rehab for alcohol two weeks ago that turned herself into police for an outstanding DUI charge last Thursday only to then get arrested last night for DUI with a BAL of 0.12 – less than a week after rehab! – and possessing/using cocaine. All the while wearing a “alcohol monitor on her ankle as part of her outpatient treatment”. So her rehab made her turn to coke? Was the monitor actually a flask that beeped when she was drying out? And if she had to wear the bracelet for alcohol what do they make her wear for the “coming cocaine problem”?
If she doesn’t get chucked in the clink for this one I’m calling [a louder than normal] foul on all of Hollywood. “Pressures of filming”? She hasn’t worked in weeks because of rehab! Put her ass into a Burger King kitchen for three months and see how much she appreciates “the pressures” of acting.
Maybe Sharpton, Sheehan, or O.J. can get involved and help drive a worthy cause to do something about it before Lindsay drives over someone?