So this morning I was early for my regular express train, but too late to get on the semi-express train that I sometimes take – the semi-express leaves ten minutes before the express and gets me to Stamford five minutes after the express usually so, so I almost always shoot for the express, even if it means I have to wait in the car longer – so I had about five minutes to kill. I turned on my backup Sony notebook so it would be booted when I got on the train – the PowerBook, with it’s awsome instant wake feature, is still in transit, on it’s way to Apple for another round of repairs – and I decided to take a look at a new book that Steve recommended: Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters, by Adam Barr, which is about a programmers ten-year experience while working at Microsoft – it might sound boring to you, but I could use the perspective of a company that actually makes software, instead of debt, as a business model. I had ordered it from Amazon a while back, but I had other books in the reading queue before it, so this was the first time I opened the book to read it. Seems there’s another book in there! The cover is right, but the inside holds Pilare the Vampire: The Untold Existance, by Angela S. Fenyvesi! It even has her dedication and copyright information – the cover simply doesn’t match the pages inside the cover. That’s when I noticed that iUniverse publishes the book and it suddenly made sense.
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