Tag Archives: food

Bloody Money

Just noticed it’s been almost a week since I posted something… I’ve been somewhat busy with work related items – which will get rolled into a future post, of course – but one thing that caught my eye has been the ongoing scare caused by tainted dog food. People that don’t “get” what having a pet means, just rolled their eyes. Fine. Be that way. But the truth is that pet food is supposed to be held to the same standards as regular food, according to the FDA, so no matter what your feelings on animals, there should be some concern here.

Long and short of it either this plant has screwed the pooch with the quality control or someone has purposely tainted a whole lotta pet food.

While this blog rarely advocates lawsuits – in fact, I often point out the ridiculous nature of most newsworthy cases – this time, I’m all for it. In fact, effected pet owners should have a whole cache of lawyers out for blood.

It’s the least the offernders can do.