CNN: White House conference tackles bullying
That’s pretty much it folks. America is done with the #1 slot – I hope China wants it, because we’re abdicating the slot quicker than I think they expected us to.
This one headline marks the start of our official End Game.
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I happened to catch a part of the Today show today. I think it was Today – Katie Couric was on, so it musta been NBC. Anyway, Katie tells us about how the majority of the HS kids that have committed school-related shootings, over the last ten years, have been bullied at some point. I don’t find this surprising, but whatever. She then goes on to say that some kid was going to have to go to court for defending himself and they were going to talk to him, live. Caught my interest, so I kept it on. Twas a mistake: now my brain hurts.
Continue reading Bullying →
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