Tag Archives: birth control

I Want Royalties

CartoonBank: New Yorker Cartoon (Next to Starbucks is Starbucks Kids, with kids jumping all over the place.)

I said it first: now that non-smoking sections are moot with most restaurants going entirely smoke free, there are some places that should offer child-free seating. Not places like McDonald’s or diners and the like – I’m talking higher end places.

Nothing kills a first date over dinner like a full blown tantrum with flying food at a swanky eat’m up joint.

Mall Times

Personally, I think teenagers need to spend time at the mall on weekends. In my opinion, they simply aren’t there long enough for the place to make a proper impression. You see, if they did spend more time at the mall, obviously there would be a substantial and measurable drop in teenage pregnancy: I can’t think of very many forms of birth control that are as effective as being in a mall on a Saturday afternoon, surrounded by a bunch of screaming children, simply because you decided to get a latte.

Honest – it’s a lock.

Boink Boinkity Boink Boink Boink

It seems to me that one of the on going themes of this site are the Rants against stupidity. What exactly is stupidity? To me, it’s something that runs contrary to common sense. It’s one thing to break with traditional views or to “go against the grain” but I’m talking about obvious (sometimes even painfully so) stuff. For example, if you were to go into your boss’ office, declare that your job sucks ass and throw a monitor to the floor, while dancing in glee at the shower of sparks that you’ve created, this make you unique (and my hero!). However, when you later find yourself fired and possibly arrested, but you don’t know why, well that’s stupidity.
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