Study Group?

MSN Now: More students are turning to prostitution to pay debt

Should I be conflicted by this? Hard to say. I mean, back when I was in school – you know, before they invented color and the world was many shades of gray – people would shag away for the fun of it… not very discriminating in who they slept and not many problems came out of it. Given that “kids today” are sleeping together at a far younger age, whoring around with much more ease (and less shame), and wearing bumper stickers for skirts, shorts, and shirts, doesn’t it make sense to pocket the cash to pay for the rising cost of tuition and gain the education?

There’s a certain logic to it. If you take the morality out of the conversation, which the youth of any generation often do, and take the risk vs reward ratio out of it…

I blame the Jersey Shore.

SharpKeys 3.5

SharpKeys is a Registry hack that is used to make certain keys on a keyboard act like other keys. For example, if you accidentally hit Caps Lock often, you could use this utility to map Caps Lock to a Shift key or even turn it off completely. This official release includes support for up to 104 mappings, an extensive list of available keys, and a “Type Key” option to help when managing mappings. As it relies on internal support within Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, you must be running one of these OS’s for this Registry hack to work.

With the move to version 3.5, the code now compiled against the 4.0 version of the .NET Framework. The source code on Codeplex has been updated to reflect this change, so the developer community can actively pick up the change and continue enhance and support SharpKeys. My hope is that the list of available keys will grow to include more international options and that other random asked-for features get added as people require them. I will continue to host a copy of 3.0 and 3.5 but I still ask that all support requests go through Codeplex – this will allow other people to help with new features, going forward.

The source code can be found at – enjoy!

Download SharpKeys 3.5: MSI | ZIP | requires .NET Framework 4.0

Download SharpKeys 3.0: MSI | ZIP | requires .NET Framework 2.0

Read: SharpKeys FAQ [updated!]

Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3

SharpMT 3.5

After another three years, I’ve decided that I should a change to SharpMT… I could have made the changes to the version at Codeplex but I decided to do it on my own local code base (and share the bits) because 3.x includes spell checking and the 4.x on Codeplex does not due to licensing issuess. There’s really only one change here: SharpMT now uses the .NET Framework 4.0 instead of aging 2.0. Why? Take a look at the Windows Development Preview for the hint of a clue…

SharpMT 3.5: Install MSI | required .NET Framework 4.0 | FAQ and Product Info

SharpMT 3.3.1: Install MSI | requires .NET Framework 2.0
Continue reading SharpMT 3.5

Just Sayin’

I’m trying to stay away from blogs and Twitter this week. Facebook seems to be safe for some reason, but the rest of the intertubes are in an uproar over some bits and pieces about the proliferation of ads in certain services and it’s like poking bamboo under my fingernails… and it’s not a new thing. In fact, I think I’m the problem with this. It’s the same irritation I when Facebook or Twitter make a change to their home page and people run out of their houses screaming about the New Thing and that [the site] doesn’t respect their customers and “aaaaaaaah the world is on FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FI- what’s that new shiny thing? Oo. Wait, what fire?”

I find that if I wait about four days, the loud angst shrinks to a duller din; after two weeks, the entire episode is done. I just need to keep my shit together for the first few days of such events. I find that if I can hold it together for that long I won’t pull my own spine out and try to use it as a Q-Tip for my right ear.

In all honesty, I would turn into a “it’s not you – it’s me” thing but in this case, I think it’s just a general change in expectations that everyone needs to heed and it’s one that’s worth noting.
Continue reading Just Sayin’

Uh… What?

Petition: No Netflix Parties, No Way.

Target: Petition for Microsoft to bring back Netflix Parties.

Sponsored by: The Community.

On December 6th, 2011, Microsoft updated its dashboard to the metro style look. With this update came a new and “improved” Netflix app. For us Xbox Love members paying $65 a year for Xbox Live and ~$100 for Instant Streaming Netflix we deserve the right to watch movies with our friends in a simple and easy way. Sign this petition to convince Microsoft to give us back our original Netflix App’s functionality with Xbox Live Parties. For more information follow @NetflixParties.

Uh… what?
Continue reading Uh… What?

A PSA For Protesters

There’s been a ton of press over the last few weeks over the Occupy [insert your city here] movements… I thought it was time that someone send out a PSA to the people that have taken to the streets. I’m pretty sure that the protesters that are actually out there already know that it’s hard to live this life outside – no matter how many Starbucks or REI products you have – and it’s not very much fun, but I don’t know that they’ve learned the most common lesson for people in their situation:

Just because you protest it doesn’t mean you’ll get your way – hell, it doesn’t even mean that you’re right.
Continue reading A PSA For Protesters

They Said “Fur”

MSN: PETA attacks Nintendo over fur-wearing Mario

Does PETA have to protest itself for shark jumping? I mean, is this what happens with hippies achieve their dream and have nothing left to complain about?

Let’s be clear: it’s a game. Worse, it’s a rehash of a game. Mario was swinging that tail back in the early 90’s if memory serves. This is a refresh, not even new IP, and Mario doesn’t capture a racoon to get the suit: he jumps below a block to get a power up icon… if the Mason’s are OK with this wanton destruction of blocks, what is the argument here? we don’t even know that the fur that Mario wears is real fur. If Ninty puts out a press release saying that it’s faux fur, would that be OK? Is this some reaction to the game being in 3D? Did some treehugger get confused and think this was a window into reality?

Hell, if you’re going to go after Mario for the alleged fur costume, why not tag the poor bastard for jumping on the backs of turtles, knocking crabs upside down in the 80’s, or shooting living snapping flowers with fireballs?

I swear: it makes me want to go skin a chinchilla for a 3DS case just to spike these people.

I See What You Did There Michael Moore confesses: I am the 1 percent

Ya know, I’m beginning to feel like the media is creating those images where you have to let your eyes go lazy and then you see something in 3D… or that I’m seeing things very much like Picasso did.

Either way, I pose this realization: Michael Moore is a non-racially driven, Caucasian version of Al Sharpton… or if I may humbly submit the following term: Media Bimbo.
Continue reading I See What You Did There

Unsung iOS5 Features

In the interest of recycling bits, some random observations about iOS5… some of which have been a long time coming for the iPhone:

  • Ringtones are now supported for alerts: you can finally use your own m4r files for reminder tones
  • Syncing over Wifi: great to have, but slower than the cable. Also of note: turn off the “start iTunes when you connect a device” option if you don’t want iTunes to pop up on your desktop just because your iPhone is charging
  • Emoji enabled: I’m not sure if this is available without the old hack, but it’s still in my available keyboards, so it might be… either way, good to still see it supported
  • Quick camera: even with my lock screen requirements due to my IT department, I find it great that I can double-click the home button and have access to the camera without having to unlock the thing
  • You can now manually refresh the calendar! At least I think you can… while looking at your calendar, hit the Calendars button on the upper left and you’ll be shown a list of available calendars. In the lower left, there’s a refresh icon, that seems to refresh the data of all the calendars. If you only have one calendar installed, I don’t know if this is available… maybe the “Calendar” button becomes “Refresh”.

And in the still needs improvement area – maybe for iOS6:

  • Shuffle by Album: still missing since the release of the iPhone
  • Video App: I still don’t understand why (or how) to turn on Series names in the TV Show section of the video application

More as it is discovered.

9-9-9 …Equals -9.

Been watching the 9-9-9 tax plan unfold? I have.

9% federal sales tax? On top of a 9.5% state sales tax? This would make a $10.00 item jump to from $10.95 to $11.85 in retail circumstances… and I’m going to pay less taxes how?

Not that this has anything to do with… well, anything, but the man ran Godfather Pizza. Have you ever tasted the product? If he ever did, he would not be proud of his tenure… anything that makes Domino’s and Pizza Hut look good.

Although, the analogy is interesting, though… if he pushed bad pizza to millions of customers, I have to imagine that he never sampled his own product… has he tasted his 9-9-9 plan before pushing it out?

My guess is: no.

And Now It’s Time for an Apple PSA

Yes, I’m alive. Long story short: I’ve been too busy at work to be pissed off by anything that I couldn’t unload on Facebook… Go figure.

That aside, I thought I’d offer a small Public Service Announcement around the release of iPhone 4S: if you have a Bumper from your AT&T iPhone 4, go buy a new one.

Go on – I’ll wait until you’re back from the Apple Store before explaining why.
Continue reading And Now It’s Time for an Apple PSA

Two “err” Headlines, One Day

MSN: Obama to speak to the nation about the economy [after the DJIA drops 10% in two days] followed by “Obama: The US is still a AAA nation”.

Why “err”? Because I realized that this is as close to a Presidental lap dance that you’ll ever get: he has nothing to offer you but what you see and you’re still going to pay him for it, after the dance is over. There’s nothing Obama can say about the drop today and even though we might be a AAA nation we don’t have a AAA rating on our bonds no matter how you want to spin it. Presidental Lap Dance… sounds like a band name.

MSN: Jane Fonda says she suffered low self-esteem over dad’s criticism

Why “err”? You’re Jane Fonda. You’re an actress. You’re career was based of physical appearance and given Hollywood’s ageless quest for youth, you would be worried about your image no matter what your father said to you. In fact, don’t I recall a like of workout videos that promoted weight loss? You’re rich beyond the dreams of most American. And basically… now… well, I don’t know why you’re saying anything at this point. That you were treated like a common teenager? That your self esteem was hurt because of a degrading statement and that drove you to problems later in life? Hey, Jane: shut the hell up because this just means you are a normal person with average problems, just like the rest of us. Except for the people that can’t afford all of the help you were able to pay cash for. Suck it up. Hey, MSN: how is this worth the effort it took to post this? I mean honestly: we’ve gone from Elanor Roosevelt saying no one can put you down without your consent to “My Daddy made me bulimic because he said something mean about me” 60 years ago?

I wonder what the evening news is going to look like – I think I’ll just leave Netflix on.

Randy No Arms' ongoing commentary on life, gaming, and the rest of the world