
What a real snow day looks like.

Um… Didn’t North Korea declare that they were going to preemptively attack our nation with nuclear weapons this morning?

I can’t tell if this is an attempt to show how much the US doesn’t care (meaning we have balls so we don’t sweat the little things), shows how little faith we have in the North Korean technology (even though South Korean has technical chops to turn a PopTart into a smartphone), or of it’s a bit of a “look at me, I’m so cute in the snow” attempt to distract the nation that HI, AK, or any of our major cities on the west coast are now in an active danger of attack…

Either way, this picture really irks the fucking hell out of me.

Experts? Of Selling Media Ads Space? Maybe.

CBSNews:Officials have not publicly revealed what led them to the motive, but sources say investigators have found evidence Lanza was obsessed with Breivik. They’ve also recovered what they called a “trove” of video games from the basement of Lanza’s home. Sources say Lanza spent countless hours there alone, in a private gaming room with the windows blacked out, honing his computer shooting skills. Lanza also made multiple visits to nearby gun ranges with his mother, Nancy Lanza, where they practiced together with actual weapons. Three guns, all registered to Nancy Lanza, were used in the Sandy Hook massacre. Lanza used a fourth weapon to kill his mother before his attack on the school.

Yes, because obviously, playing video games where you hone your “computer shooting skills” is so much more effective than going to a fucking gun range with real weapons where you are getting Mommy’s approval. Does this mean that if I play Forza for countless hours in a private gaming room with blacked out windows that I will drive a stock car at Daytona better than the people that practice with real cars?

And if I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: the media needs to take some responsibility in this because they give stardom to criminals by never letting a topic die which feeds attention seeking psychos a road map to immortality.

Funny how CBS write the article that a) points out that the Newtown fuck up was trying to out kill an internationally renowned murderer that b) the press still talks about and puts in the limelight yet c) doesn’t take any responsibility for helping to give either whack job attention or d) is encouraging copy cat criminals to follow the same path and e) shirks any blame on itself by blaming gaming again.

Pulitzer material, to be sure – at least it sells well.

Windows 8: RSS-based Desktop Theme Fix

One of the things introduced with Windows Vista Ultimate was the notion of having RSS-based themes that would continuously update your background with new images from the Intertubes. They worked on Windows 7 but I noticed an issue when I tried to grab “Aqua Dynamic” from the Themes website: the theme was downloaded fine but the images were always blank. After looking around some sites, I noticed that the images are stored in a AppData directory which I had locally and it had images… but the folder in Windows 8 is hidden and system, which prevents themes from getting images!

Open a command prompt.

If you’ve installed the theme already, you need to get rid of the feed: delete the .feed-ms file that has your theme name in it at C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Feeds

Find the .theme file you want and double click it, which causes a dialog to pop up. Don’t press anything.

Now run: attrib -s -h “C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files”

Now select “Download Attachments” from the Apply Theme popup.

Enjoy the RSS-based goodness.

All Hail Nordstrom

Was in downtown Seattle yesterday and noticed that the majority of the display windows at Nordstrom were papered over, from the inside, showing no product. In the center of the windows was a large sign – one that I recognized from the Bellevue store – that states: “At Nordstrom, we won’t be decking our halls until Friday, November 23rd. Why? Well, we just like the idea of celebrating one holiday at a time. From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving. Nordstrom will be closed Thanksgiving Day. On Friday, our doors will open to welcome the new season.” And it looks like they’ve been doing it since at least 2007.

That’s when I realized that when I was in the Bellevue store that there was not one Christmas decoration to be seen, even as recently as Nov-14.

Holy. Shit.

Way to stay classy Nordstrom.

All The News That’s Fit To Tint, Redux

Was watching TV with Jolene the other day and caught a story on the news… the gist of the story was that – for the first time – a mother, father, and son were all going to be deployed to active duty. All three are in the Reserves and all three are going to Afghanistan.

While we were watching the story unfold, I was half tempted to check my Facebook feed and see how this played out amongst Red and Blue friends, but then I got to musing about how some of the news channels would spin this…
Continue reading All The News That’s Fit To Tint, Redux

Windows 8 Tip: Initial List of Tips

It’s a little early for people to have Windows 8 at this point, but it’s been released to MSDN, so it’s fair game… and I’m in my third week of using the bits so I’ve got some tips.

One thing I’ve noticed that I like about Windows 8 is the new Start Menu Screen: it makes sense. Sure it’s different, but to me, it works. Another thing that I’ve only recently realized is that when they hit the Start button in Windows 7 (or Vista or XP) and the Start Menu opens, no matter how small or large the menu is, all of my focus is on that menu and the rest of the screen is wasted. Additionally, it’s a pretty solid customizable tool bar in it’s own right… think of this top level part of the Start Menu as the “most used” applications page… the bottom line is that I like it.

Onto the other tips…

Update: Serena has a similar list and calls out Start8 (which I also use but I have it launch the full Start menu) because it’s useful for remote sessions.
Continue reading Windows 8 Tip: Initial List of Tips

AGILE2012: Guess Who’s Speaking?

Come see James Waletzky and I give a talk about Agile with the an experience report called “Slow Down to Go Fast: Lessons Learned Shipping Bing Voice Search on Xbox” .

For more information on the conference go to the Agile Alliance’s Agile2012 website:

For a synopsis on the talk, keep reading…
Continue reading AGILE2012: Guess Who’s Speaking?

On The Cutting Room Floor

MSN: Facebook guessing game: What’s it really worth? The problem underpinning analysts’ various numbers is the uncertainty about Facebook’s growth prospects. […] “We still believe the company is likely to disappoint investors for the next several quarters.” Hey, guys: Where were you before?

They were right there, saying the same bearish things that don’t sell well in the news, if everyone is preaching the virtues and successes of a company.

You heard them; you just didn’t listen.

Dollar Shave Club

Earlier this month I saw an ad campaign go viral across Facebook: a guy claiming that they could best Gillette in terms of razors. Something Schick has been trying to do for years and continuously coming up short… Bic? Does Bic still make razors? Anyway, I LOL’d: Gillette has been at the top of the food chain for years and for someone to bump the king off the throne… would take more than Ned Stark.

I’ve been using Gillette “advanced” razors from around 1990. I don’t remember what I used before the original Gillette Sensor but I’ve been with them through the Sensor straight through to the Power Fusion ProGlide line… I have not looked into the 3-in-1 styler because… well, that just looks too big or silly, but the rest of it I’ve been using for years. Decades, even.

Now I’m a member of the Dollar Shave Club – what the hell happened?
Continue reading Dollar Shave Club


Drove to work this morning… Didn’t stop at Bellevue Square mall. Didn’t stop at Best Buy. Didn’t even stop at Target. I’m not obsessively looking at the UPS status page for delivery notices, because there’s nothing new coming.

I’ve got an extra $660 in my bank account as a reward for all of the above. You see, I’m not getting a new Apple iDevice on launch day for the first time in years, and it feels wonderful.

Why? Because if I’m going to pick up an iPad 2S, it will be after all the thrill has died down, and then I plan to pick it up on the cheap, if at all.
Continue reading FREEEEEDOOOOOM!

Randy No Arms' ongoing commentary on life, gaming, and the rest of the world