That’s the sound of a monkey sliding off your back. Or fingernails on a chalkboard followed by a face palm…
Say hello to the EU-required Web Browser “Choice Screen” of Windows.
Continue reading SCREEEEEEEEEEE! *fOOmp*
That’s the sound of a monkey sliding off your back. Or fingernails on a chalkboard followed by a face palm…
Say hello to the EU-required Web Browser “Choice Screen” of Windows.
Continue reading SCREEEEEEEEEEE! *fOOmp*
Jolene and I popped over to our local Barnes and Noble to see a demo nook the other night…
Worth a long look, but I still didn’t feel the urge to pull out a credit card.
Continue reading nook – A Thought or Two
Went to go see Sister’s Christmas Catechism last night at the ACT Theater – funny freakin’ play!
Highly recommended.
Continue reading Sister’s Christmas Catechism
MSN: ‘Family Ties’ mom: ‘I am a lesbian’ Meredith Baxter says she has been dating women for the past seven years
I’ve got nothing against people coming out and in a public setting, but this was one of the top stories of the Today show today… which was basically: “an actress that played a mother on a sitcom that has been off the air for 20 years has been dating women for the last seven years.” Which is newsworthy how?
Makes you wonder what the second story of the day was, doesn’t it?
Engadget has a blurb about ChromeOS.
It’s too soon to make any major comments about it, until more information comes down the pike, but one thing that I jumped right off the page was “connect to the web every day and make sure you have all the current updates.” So, like, after years of hearing “Windows has too many updates!” when they only get propped once a week (or even once a month) Google is actually propping up daily updates as a feature? Wow… additionally, how comfortable are people with having an Open Source OS?
One thing that I’m really hoping changes is the screenshot of the UI: full window tabs for a UX? How OS/2 Warp can you get? Oh, wait, Warp supported multiple windows too… Honestly, I thought they had killed off MDI 15 years ago when true multitasking was possible.
Maybe the hotness is being saved for future reviews – if not, I’m pretty disappointed.
Finally got around to posting about a happy little number to the blog… basking simply takes some time.
Interesting hallway conversation happened today, with a Mariner’s fan: “Do you really need 27 Championships? Jeez. Can’t you spread the wealth around to the rest of the league?” I had only one answer to that:
Here’s to 162 and 0 in 2010.
I know a lot of people are a bit shocked that Disney is allowing a “dark” video game in the form of the coming Epic Mickey but after watching this clip from 1935 and remembering the she-villain of Sleeping Beauty, I think we’ve just forgotten of the depth that Disney can actually command… it’s a good reminder.
Poor, poor Pluto…
Random notes of a hardware nature.
Continue reading Hardware Shift
I, for one, want to spread some cream cheese thinly over a bagel tonight.
Go git’m New York.
Now available for download, for Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate SKU’s at
That’s it. Nothing else to report… just got tired of having to search for the link from multiple PC’s.
Finally! You’ll get to start playing with what I’ve had installed for months and, well, to be honest it’s an exciting time. For me.
It’s 7:42 AM, I’m on campus in Studios West’s theater, watching a co-worker NOM on a blueberry muffin, and waiting for the launch event to start in New York… yes, I’m excited enough to have gotten up that early to be here. On top of that, it occurred to me in the shower that a number of users will be going from XP to Windows 7 – that is going to be very, very interesting to see, since they skip the intermediary view of Vista: going from XP blue to Seven glass? Nice!
For what it’s worth, for as good as 7 is – and it is good – its goodness started in Vista and, to be technologically blunt, Vista wasn’t as bad as most people would have had you believe. Vista was an improvement on XP, as 7 is an improvement on Vista… it’s the nature of software. I actually look forward to pointing out to people which of the features they love in 7 …that they missed out on for the last few years because they were in Vista. Reminds me of when Office exposed a ton of functionality with the Ribbon and were able to say “That’s not new to Office 2007… that was in Office XP.” But I digress…
Windows 7 – go get it.
Oh, and if you have a netbook or notebook without an optical drive, we’ve got that covered too: The Microsoft Store allows you to buy Windows 7 online, download it to a USB thumb drive, and install it from there.
PSBJ: Washington state’s combined state and average local sales tax rate is 8.78 percent, the third highest in the country, according to the Tax Foundation. The state’s tax rate is 6.5 percent; the average local sales tax rate is 2.28 percent. The highest combined rates were in Tennessee (9.41 percent), California (9.06), Washington state (8.78), Oklahoma (8.44) and Louisiana (8.43).
…and in King County it jumps to 9.5% for general merchandise and 10% on restaurant and beverage, which is more than every other state listed.
It’s about time someone else noticed.
You didn’t Hear that? No? I did. It’s the sound of a big inhale before the chaos begins… it’s the calm before the storm.
Actually, that might not be entirely true… the first bit of the storm has already hit with the announcement of Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 this morning. Some time after that, Xbox is going to release our recent Preview this week, to people that signed up for it; that bring Facebook, Twitter,, and Zune Marketplace to 360 users. And then on the 22nd, Windows 7 hits retail shelves; that unleashes every OEM that has been sitting on new machine models, waiting for 7 to ship. That includes ION based netbooks, allowing the tiny models to play HD video without breaking a sweat. Also likely to improve on the Atom CPU as well… Add to that Apple and Google’s intention to start new ad campaigns on the 22nd, to steal 7’s thunder…
Yes, it’s going to be a very, very busy and exciting week – who says all storms are bad?
MSNBC: Seattle-area freeways are getting smarter starting in summer 2010. High-tech overhead signs will display variable speed limits, lane status and real-time traffic information so drivers know what’s happening ahead.
Right, so people shouldn’t read or text while they drive, yet this is OK? Asking drivers to adjust-their-speed-on-the-fly if a sign flips and pick up on detailed “what’s ahead” messages? Unless they plan to jack the speed limit up to 70 during off peak hours, how can lowering the speed help traffic in any way, shape, or form? If it’s butts-to-nuts traffic, then setting the sign to 25 MPH is ridiculous. If it’s a free flow of traffic, they are never going to raise it above what it is now. The most this will help with is to post a lower speed limit during bad weather which drivers are supposed to do anyway.
Honestly, if they need to raise more money by writing more speeding tickets, just say so and save the cost of the signs.
I, for one, want to break up some halos tonight.
Go git’m New York.