Don’t jump on me for this one, ladies; it came directly off the air, just this morning. According to Omelette, from i-95 Rock‘s morning show, he usually has a great plan for most Valentine’s Days; since he has to go to some work endorsed party, he can’t use it this year. He was saying that he usually goes to the store and picks up a dozen roses. He then goes to a local bar where he grabs a drink and leaves the flowers on the bar. While he sits there, he hangs his head down low, looking put-out and forlorn. Throughout the course of the night, women notice the flowers at the bar – can you see where this is going already?
Continue reading Dozen Roses: $20 – Pick Up Line at a Bar: Priceless
And Now for Something Completely Different
Well, there’s been yet another change to Since I’m now using a PowerBook as my full time notebook, CityDesk was becoming less and less an option for writing my blogs. I could have typed up the Rants in TextEdit and move it over, but that seemed kind of silly. I looked at a couple of different server and client technologies and I have a new recipe for what I hope is future success (and at least stave off this “upgrade of the week” urge that I’ve had lately).
Continue reading And Now for Something Completely Different
Changes abound. First, and probably most noticeable, is that the site is up and running without any gaping downtime. In fact, I’m not sure if there’s been any downtime, since I switched to a new hosting company. See, this web site is mostly a place where I unlock excess mental baggage and speak my mind without trying to vie for someone’s attention constantly. I mean when I listen to someone else tell me a “story” I very, very rarely let my attention waver; when I talk to someone I’m constantly interrupted by “oh look, there’s a leaf on the side of the road,” which after 28 years of talking can really be annoying. Anyway, I started this site just as a lark and it’s grown into something of a Rant, Rave, Tech center, coffee-soaked satire that has held my attention for quite a while now – it will be a year of Rants soon, actually – who knew?
Continue reading Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes
S105: Unlocked!
One of the longest on going issues that people seem to e-mail me about is my experiences with the Samsung S105. Samsung, like most cellular handset manufacturers, offer most of their individual phone models in a number of different “flavors” – flavours, actually since the European arena is far more advanced in mobile services than we are – so they can offer their products to as many people as possible. Wait, wait, before I get into this, let me give you a crash course in cellular technology, as of this moment, world-wide.
Continue reading S105: Unlocked!
The State of our Union
And so we’ve been given the state of our Union, as seen through the eyes of President Bush. What I’m most amused by this morning is the press and their reaction to the State of the Union address from last night. I purposely listened to the speech myself last night, tuning into Fox about 9:08pm EST. I noticed that for the most of the first half of the address, President Bush focused on internal and national based concerns, including healthcare and education and tax cuts. For the second half of the address, he described his thoughts on and alluded to the proof of Iraq defying the UN-based resolutions, with regards to the lack of weapons disarmament. He also points out that we used diplomacy throughout the 90’s with North Korea, who purposely stated that they abandoned their nuclear program only to discover eight years later that they lied and are now nuclear weapons capable. Judging by what I saw today on TV and heard on the radio, the press missed the first 40 minutes of the address last night.
Continue reading The State of our Union
Made by a Mac …sorta
Had a bit of a change of plans over the weekend: I talked to CompUSA and Apple a number of times on Saturday and guess what? I now have a new 12″ PowerBook! Was not without it’s issues of course – I wouldn’t be me if I could simply buy a new notebook and have nothing go wrong.
Continue reading Made by a Mac …sorta
Windows 0 — Apple -1
I thought I should finally get around to sharing my impressions of the new 12.1″ PowerBook that I bought from Apple. Well, I sorta can’t do that yet – the freakin’ thing hasn’t shipped yet! Let met tell you this: this thing is starting out as a very, very negative beginning to my adventure with Apple. There’s been one problem after another with this notebook, and they haven’t even bothered to ship one to me yet – so much for the Switch being an easy thing to do.
Continue reading Windows 0 — Apple -1
War and Peace
A number of people are convinced that the US is preparing for another war. I can’t deny that, as we’ve begun to mobilize troops all over the world, most of them pointed in the direction of Iraq. Recently, I’ve begun to notice some anti-war protests popping up all over the media; they typical “War kills” and “Peace not War” protests. People need to go get jobs and forget the 60’s, the stupid wannabe hippies.
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Twenty Minutes
I think it’s getting high time to just slap a mermaid logo on the freakin’ site. I mean, it’s not that I work for Starbucks, but every fourth post seems to have something to do with the place… either a new drink, or a customer service thing, or god knows what – it just seems to be the center point of my happenings lately. Today, being a weekend day, I purposely kept as empty as I could, so I could “detox”; it’s been a really long week. I picked up my Jeep from the body shop, since some random drivers have hit the thing twice – both times in my own parking space at home! – and I wanted to do some up keep around the house (didn’t succeed, at all,) entertain my rabbit (lasted a half hour,) and work on my book some (started another chapter!)
Continue reading Twenty Minutes
Just What is Rude, Anyway?
I’ve often wondered what makes something rude and what makes something proper. It’s a pretty fine line, actually, as far as I can tell. I’m also pretty sure that the line between worlds is slightly askew between different cultures, which makes things far more complicated than it should be. Actually, it would be pretty complicated anyway – who makes these rules anyway? Is there a board that gets together quarterly to define “rude” behavior? They are pretty quiet about it, because I’ve never seen them listed anywhere. It’s not based on common sense; we wouldn’t have four forks whenever we sat down to a “proper” dinner, if common sense was involved. If there’s a committee deciding these things, it’s got to be a local thing and not an ISO (International Standards Organization) type thing, because of the regional differences.
Continue reading Just What is Rude, Anyway?
“Thank You, Drive Thru”
So the other day I popped in a chat room to an uncomfortable conversation that’s becoming a bit too common lately. See, for some unknown reason, the MSN Connecticut chat room is the most fertile breeding grounds in the world. Oh, I know the reason why women are getting pregnant – duh – but what is a great “rarity” is how many women actually get pregnant from the random acts of sex. Consequently, there’s a lot of single mothers and runaway fathers; the other day’s uncomfortable topic was the lack of child support that the deadbeat dads were giving.
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New PocketPC: HP 1910
New device alert! I’ve opted to sell my Toshiba e740 Pocket PC. No complaints with the device, but I had begun to feel like I’m trying to hit a fly with a building rather than a swatter. It’s got all sorts of stuff with it, like WiFi (802.11b) and CF/SD support, but I don’t use most of it. I used to use it for a MP3 Player, but the iPod has superceded that. I rarely play games on it or use the built in Wireless LAN. Never watched a movie on it. I used the CF slot for backups and the device for the Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks – maybe for solitaire.
Continue reading New PocketPC: HP 1910
Outages of Two Kinds
So much for the “non-problem” that I was hoping for while switching host servers. Between a combination of not having my domain’s updates done in the promised 24-72 hour period and a couple of other snafus, the site was dark for most of the weekend. It should be better now, and for a while later, but I can guarantee that if the network continues to be a hassle, I’ll find another solution for the site… as always a work in progress.
Also, there would have been a much better Rant today, but the first train I got on broke down and never left the station, so I’m on a train that has twice as many people and we’re going to pick up more and I now have an oversized elder-yuppie reading the New York Times and crowding me in my seat, so in all honesty, I can’t type anymore. Maybe tomorrow!
A Week in Review
And now, a week in review…
Continue reading A Week in Review
My Balance Gave Out!
Oops. More or less, anyway. I can’t think of any better way to say it, but I seem to have bought a new PowerBook. Yeah, you heard me. Even after yesterday’s revelations about how I wouldn’t be able to Switch fully, I ordered a new Apple notebook. What happened? Steve Jobs’ keynote address at Macworld Expo yesterday is what happened. I know it sounds odd – that a CEO’s speech could force a lone, mostly-pro Microsoft programmer to change his… um, well everything. I’ve been 99.44% pro Microsoft for at least a decade… It wasn’t Jobs’ words that have changed me – it was his products.
Continue reading My Balance Gave Out!