iMediaMan for Windows Phone 7 FAQ
  1. Q: Where is the FAQ for iOS devices?


  2. Q: Why can't I used the MMC file that MediaMan for Windows uses?

    A: Sadly, I had little choice in this. The MMC file that MediaMan uses to store its data is a UTF-16 based SQLite file, which Windows Phone doesn't natively support and all of the control packs that I found only supported UTF-8. Because of this, you have to export your MediaMan data as a CSV file and use that for your data.

  3. Q: Why do I need to post my CSV file to a web server?

    A: At this time, there is no mechanism to transfer data files from a PC to Windows Phone using the Zune desktop software. As the Windows Phone 7 platform grow, I will add whatever transfer options I can to prevent this requirement. The good news in this is that the CSV files are 95% smaller than the MMC files, so downloading them is fast.

  4. Q: Why are there no images in this version?

    A: The images in the MMC file are not exported to the CSV file.
  5. Q: Why are there none of my categories in this version?

    A: The categories are stored in the MMC file are not exported to the CSV file so this version of iMediaMan divides the collection by media type.
  6. Q: How do I export my data from MediaMan for Windows to a CSV file?

    A: Information on this is hosted at the MediaMan for Windows website.

  7. Q: What if I don't have access to a web server?

    A: It saddens me to say that this is required for this release of iMediaMan.

  8. Q: Why do I need MediaMan for Windows?

    A: Simply put, because MediaMan for Windows is the best way to build out a collection. A PC has a keyboard, mouse, USB ports [that support hand-held scanners], and a big display. It's got processing power. It usually has a solid Internet connection. These all assist in building out a large collection of items. It felt silly to expect someone to do that on a mobile, phone-sized device.

  9. Q: Can I add new items using iMediaMan on a device?

    A: No. iMediaMan was designed to only support the viewing and searching of items in an existing collection.

  10. Q: How do I download the CSV file to my device?

    A: When you start iMediaMan you'll see an empty screen and a toolbar at the bottom that has a + on it. Click the + button and you can enter a URL to download a file from.

  11. Q: Can I download my file over 3G?

    A: This is up to you. MMC files can get large - my personal collection is only about 1MB in CSV format (and about 60MB in MMC format.) If you chose to download a large file over 3G you may be charged for the data transfer. WiFi is strongly recommended, when downloading CSV files.

  12. Q: Can I have more than one library on a device?

    A: Yes! You can add as many as you like.

  13. Q: How do I remove a library from my device?

    A: When you are looking at the list of media types on the main screen press the - button and you'll remove the library.

  14. Q: Can I use a URL shortening link for downloading?

    A: Nope. At least not in the v1 release. iMediaMan uses the last bit of the download URL to be the CSVname and services like mask the filename from the URL.

  15. Q: How are you searching on the device?

    A: This depends on the media that you are viewing, but all searches take both text lines for each item in a visible list. For music this would be Title and Artist. For books, Title and Author. Everything else gets Title. In all cases it's a partial text match so the more exact your search terms the more precise your list will be.

  16. Q: Do you support landscape mode?

    A: Yes, the app can be turned left or right at any time.

  17. Q: Are you going to support other mobile devices?

    A: Likely, over time.

Support Information
Should you encounter any problems that are not addressed by this FAQ, please contact me via email at Thanks for the interest in SharpMT and happy blogging!