Category Archives: SharpMT

Holy Shit!

One of the things that never seems to stop surprising me is how the Blogging world is inter-connected. Granted a tool like Technorati does help a good deal, but these connections seem to come of their own accord. Thing is that I’ve noticed an increase of traffic lately and I was curious to see where it was coming from – I attribute some of this new traffic to some particular blogs out there. One of them is Ensight, which is a group forum by fellow Technologists. The other is one that I recently discovered: ***Dave Does the Blog. ***Dave has completely blown me away by using SharpMT to help in a full 24-hour Blog-a-thon. I’m thrilled because not only has the code kept up with his heavy blogging but… well… it’s just fuckin’ cool! Sorry. Had a Geek-moment!

SharpMT – 1.2 Release

Announcing the official release of SharpMT 1.2! The 1.2 version adds two and half major features to SharpMT, and again, they’re from user feedback: support for MT’s text filters (I think, anyway!), customizable tags for Bold/Italics/Underline, and new behavior for the Add URL’s link box (that would be the half feature.) If you have been using 1.1 or earlier, please read the rest of this because there’s some important upgrade information – continue, on to download…

Product info:

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SharpMT – 1.2 Beta 1

And so it begins, again: SharpMT 1.2, Beta 1. The 1.2 version adds two and half major features to SharpMT, and again, they’re from user feedback: support for MT’s text filters (I think, anyway!), customizable tags for Bold/Italics/Underline, and new behavior for the Add URL’s link box (that would be the half feature.) If you have been using 1.1 or earlier, please read the rest of this because there’s some important upgrade information – continue, on to download…
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SharpMT – 1.1 Release

Announcing the official release of SharpMT 1.1! The 1.1 version adds three major features to SharpMT, all formed from user feedback: a preview mode for drafts, the ability to upload images to your Blog server, and a sharper design for the embedded windows of SharpMT. Some important links for SharpMT:

Product info:


Download: (always the latest final version – currently 1.1)
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SharpMT – 1.1 Beta 3, RC1

Time for another round of work towards a “final” release. As near as I can tell, this round of SharpMT is just about feature complete – the latest thing added to 1.1 Beta 3 is the ability to upload images to the Blog server. I can also confirm that this release works with the 2.64 release of MovableType. There’s a couple of caveats with the Image upload feature, so if you’re interested keep reading – if you’re just looking to stay up to date, download Beta 3 here.
Continue reading SharpMT – 1.1 Beta 3, RC1

SharpMT – 1.1 Beta 2

I’m pleased to announce that I have a couple of new features in this release of SharpMT and not as pleased to announce that a proposed feature is being abandoned. Either way, you are truly going to be forced into service as beta testers with this release for a couple of reasons. One is that this was compiled using an evaluation copy of VS.NET 2003 – as my real copy is still on backorder – which means that the 1.1 release of the .NET Framework is now required to run this version of SharpMT. I’m also including a new control with this release, so there could be some installation issues as well. That’s what a beta is all about, after all. That and some new features of course…
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SharpMT – 1.1 Beta 1

Yes! It’s time for another round of beta releases of SharpMT. First off, this will be a much slower and long beta cycle. Why? I have less to do on the application this time around! Also, I’m stalling while Microsoft continues to stall me, on their $29 upgrade to Visual Studio.NET 2003. I have a trial version that I might install to get some other upgrades going, but Microsoft has told all of us that have ordered the upgrade that “it’s on backorder” and we should get it soon. So what’s new in the first beta of SharpMT 1.1?
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SharpMT – 1.0 Final

Announcing the final release of SharpMT 1.0! I went for a few days without any new bugs being reported and even fewer “small” feature requests, and that tells me that this project is now complete – “big” feature requests got pushed to a later release. What does SharpMT do? The short answer is that it’s an offline Blog writer tool for MovableType based Blogs. Check the FAQ for a longer answer, including some information about the features of SharpMT. Where can you download SharpMT? Get the 1.0 Release of SharpMT here. What’s next for SharpMT? Read on…
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SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 6, RC1

Dare I say it? Gold? RTM? Release Candidate 1? I guess I could, but it’s sorta silly when there’s no manufacturing group to release it to! Today’s Build-that-wasn’t-supposed-to-happen comes for a couple of different reasons. One was the run of good luck that I had at a Pai-Gow Poker table, causing me to run from the pit while I still had twice as much money than what I had, when I sat down. Another thing that prompted this build was the fix of TrackBack pings that used to work (Beta 4) and now works again. Download Beta 6 now!
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SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 5

Nightly builds was not exactly what I had in mind, but there’s been a lot of good things – and a couple of bad things – that have caused me to post what is yet another Beta: Beta 5. I spent a good part of the day working with Jeremy‘s Apache based server and after a few hours of denting my desk with my forehead, I have fixed that problem. Right now the only outstanding thing that I know of is the Registry issue that seems to happen on non-XP machines, and that’s things aren’t being saved in the Registry. More on that later in the post – with tonight’s build notes – and you can download Beta 5 here.
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SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 4 (updated)

For some reason, Beta 3 might have gotten “stuck” on the server. I re-uploaded the file and just downloaded Beta 4 this time – if you downloaded this last night, please check your about box for the Beta 4 version!

Feature updates for this Beta, this time, but there’s been a couple of bug fixes as would be expected for a project that’s still in Beta. New stuff includes a tracing window for debugging purposes, a new way to set some default values for new posts, and a new registry location. More details below; download it here.
Continue reading SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 4 (updated)

SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 3

OK. Beta 3 is now available – if you’ve installed Beta 1 or 2, please refresh your Blog list in the Options dialog! This beta address a hugely boneheaded bug that walked right past me due to a few factors. One is because I only have one Blog on my install of MT. Another factor was my crappy XML handler that I replaced in the rest of the product, but missed in the part that downloads the Blog list from Options. So, if you have more than one Blog on your MT server or if you are using Apache to host your web browser and tried Beta 1 or 2, your problems should be gone in Beta 3 – Thanks to Jeremy, Daniel, and Scott for helping me to fix this problem! What else is new in Beta 3? Download it here and read on…
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SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 2

It’s been less than 24 hours, and I’m already posting Beta 2 of SharpMT 1.0. Strangely enough, it’s not because I found any huge bug or massive issues in the first beta – I’m just done with my next round of updates already and I wanted to get them out there. What’s new in Beta 2? A couple of things that are in the FAQ already and in the rest of this post. You can download Beta 2 of SharpMT 1.0 from here.
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SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 1

Dean Martin once sang “Welcome to my world – Won’t you come on in?” I find this to be a fitting quote, as I release the first beta version of SharpMT. I’ve built SharpMT mostly for my own uses, but I’ve decided to turn it loose on the public, because as it grew in my own hands, I thought other people might have a use for it. Using MovableType and need an offline Blog writer? Keep reading, because I might have built one for you – you can also download it here.
Continue reading SharpMT – 1.0 Beta 1