Category Archives: Rant

Wait… What?

MSN: ‘Family Ties’ mom: ‘I am a lesbian’ Meredith Baxter says she has been dating women for the past seven years

I’ve got nothing against people coming out and in a public setting, but this was one of the top stories of the Today show today… which was basically: “an actress that played a mother on a sitcom that has been off the air for 20 years has been dating women for the last seven years.” Which is newsworthy how?

Makes you wonder what the second story of the day was, doesn’t it?


Finally got around to posting about a happy little number to the blog… basking simply takes some time.

Interesting hallway conversation happened today, with a Mariner’s fan: “Do you really need 27 Championships? Jeez. Can’t you spread the wealth around to the rest of the league?” I had only one answer to that:


Here’s to 162 and 0 in 2010.

There’s A High Sales Tax in WA

PSBJ: Washington state’s combined state and average local sales tax rate is 8.78 percent, the third highest in the country, according to the Tax Foundation. The state’s tax rate is 6.5 percent; the average local sales tax rate is 2.28 percent. The highest combined rates were in Tennessee (9.41 percent), California (9.06), Washington state (8.78), Oklahoma (8.44) and Louisiana (8.43).

…and in King County it jumps to 9.5% for general merchandise and 10% on restaurant and beverage, which is more than every other state listed.

It’s about time someone else noticed.

*sigh* – DOT Edition

MSNBC: Seattle-area freeways are getting smarter starting in summer 2010. High-tech overhead signs will display variable speed limits, lane status and real-time traffic information so drivers know what’s happening ahead.

Right, so people shouldn’t read or text while they drive, yet this is OK? Asking drivers to adjust-their-speed-on-the-fly if a sign flips and pick up on detailed “what’s ahead” messages? Unless they plan to jack the speed limit up to 70 during off peak hours, how can lowering the speed help traffic in any way, shape, or form? If it’s butts-to-nuts traffic, then setting the sign to 25 MPH is ridiculous. If it’s a free flow of traffic, they are never going to raise it above what it is now. The most this will help with is to post a lower speed limit during bad weather which drivers are supposed to do anyway.

Honestly, if they need to raise more money by writing more speeding tickets, just say so and save the cost of the signs.

I Smell A …Religion Forming

When I heard about President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize, I raised and eye brow and thought “what did he win that for?” I thought about it… I remembered the SNL skit from a couple of weeks ago, about how he hasn’t really done most of what he promised. Did he win, simply for becoming President? I shrugged it off. Throughout the course of the day I saw many comments online about it. Some people were upset about it – “he doesn’t deserve shit!” and “did he win for destroying the US?!” – which I also shrugged off because that’s nothing but crap. I found that most people asked same thing I did: “what did he win for?” And a few other people praised our leader for it…

It’s that last group that this Rant comes from. It’s been knocking around my mind for a couple of days now, but since last night it’s in the foreground. While I was going to leave it alone… well, that just wouldn’t be me.

You see, the liberal and free-thinking Democrats are quickly becoming just as single-minded and blinded by a saviour as any other religious group (i.e. Republicans) are and they just don’t know it.
Continue reading I Smell A …Religion Forming

RAGE: People Are Messing With My Coffee!

Our restaurant sales tax is now an even 10% – this includes coffee purchases even if you don’t drink it there…

Anyone feel like sneaking into Elliott Bay and tossing cases of Starbucks beans into the harbor? It’s worked before… maybe it will work again. Either that or a nice public outing of everyone in Olympia or King County that worked to get this passed and then start a paper trail to see where the money is going. I bet you anything that it’s going to fund some park project in Seattle or Renton… because nothing helps a recession more than adding a 10% surcharge to western Washington’s most often purchased and already overpriced items and laying down new sod.

By far and wide: this is unconscionable.

Teddy Love-in

I know he just died today, but enough already with the Ted Kennedy love-fest. The man has been marinated in alcohol since before Nixon was President and has spent about 12 years too many in the Senate, clinging to the family name of a dynasty that lost its relevancy even before the Germanies reunited. Senators are not supposed to have tenure for life – that’s reserved for Justices and professors.

The people of Massachusetts should be grateful that there’s now an open seat in the Senate for a candidate born after the launch of Sputnik.