Category Archives: Rant

Symbol Shuffle!

Other the years, I’ve had to work a bit to keep my stock portfolio up to date, as company’s symbols change. I mean, sure, IBM has traded as IBM since its inception, but not all companies are so lucky… Krispy Kreme started on one of the exchanges as KREM and is now KKD on another. I once owned Mapquest… that was like playing Twister. Mapquest got bought by AOL which merged with Time Warner and then got shoved off as AOL again, and well, I dunno what it trades as today – I unloaded it a while ago, and at a loss at that.

One company that has been fun to follow is a place that I used to work at – it’s been such a strange road that it’s almost like whistle blowing, except it isn’t.
Continue reading Symbol Shuffle!

No, Virginia, Santa Has Left With Joltin’ Joe More than a decade after 16-year-old Amy Fisher had a sexual relationship with a much-older car mechanic and shot his wife in the face, the one-time “Long Island Lolita” and Joey and Mary Jo Buttafuoco have agreed to appear together in a televised reunion.

For fuck’s sake, why in the hell are these people back in the news?! Joey and Mary Jo are with other partners now; Amy has since turned author after spending years in prison… can’t we force them to just go away, once and for all?

Unless Mary Jo and Amy are going to team up to beat the shit outta Joey… I’d be OK with that. In fact, that might make a good PPV special.

Forbidden Topic


Can’t talk about it. Been following the local team here since last year. Football is easier to watch on the west coast: games begin and bars open at 10am on Sundays. My real interest in the sport started out here, so the local team gets my support.

Can’t buy anything to show support though. I don’t wanna jinx anyone. And I might not after the season ends… I dunno. Mustn’t upset the powers that be. And the powers that might be. And the powers that are decided not. Keep on keeping on, and all that stuff.

Going to be a tense two weeks until the 12 goes to XL – should be a good game.

Forbidden Topic.

Why Is It That…

Why is it that if you don’t like country music you’re “normal”, if you like country music you’re a redneck, and if you don’t like rap or hip hop you’re a racist?

I have no insight on it – I thought I’d ask, mostly because I’m bored of watching the “can it or can’t it run XP” debate over the new Intel-based Apple boxes that is currently running all over the blogsphere.

Although I do have another question…
Continue reading Why Is It That…

Kaboom! [Andy Abramson] There are some rumors circulating that Steve Ballmer is about to step aside at Microsoft as its day to day operations head to make room for another president…Bill Clinton. Hm. While I doubt there’s any truth to it, that would be kinda cool. I’m not sure what he knows about software, but didn’t someone close to him create the internet? :) Also, it would make Randy’s head explode. That would be fun too.

I think I confused Steve: my head hasn’t exploded. In fact, I chortled at the reference to Gore once being credited with creating the Internet b/c that one always infuriated me. No, no, my head didn’t explode – I mean I’m so many levels removed from Ballmer in the grand scheme of things it really doesn’t matter who’s in there, from a job point of view… as a stock holder however, aside from getting press – and the possibility of having more interns on campus – what exactly makes Bubba qualified to run Microsoft? Of course, the first comment that makes reference to how “well he ran the nation” as justification will make my head explode.

On another note, there’s a comic running tomorrow – I forget which one, but I think it’s Mallard – that has a New Years prediction: “CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN will predict Senator Clinton will win the 2008 Presidency… in 2006.” That made me laugh, because it’s probably an accurate prediction.

Did I Sell Out?

And then, there were ads. Did I sell out? Bet yer ass I did.

I’m hoping they don’t break up the flow of the site – and I’m still debating on adding them to the RSS feed – but the truth is that TypePad costs money… so does this domain. And the two others that flow back here. It would be nice to babble and offer tech tips without losing money each year. At one point I was hoping the donations to the Software cache would support the blog, but that hasn’t panned out – at least it paid for the spell checker control in SharpMT.

Besides, the ads are targeted on the blog content, so maybe they’ll even offer some good links: call it an experiment. If I cover my costs before EOY or if I get bored with it – or if I get tarred and feathered on campus tomorrow! – I’ll pull’m back. The nice thing about the ads is that they are lightweight in the HTML Templates.

Yay me!

Death to the 14th

Reuters: Love comes at a hefty price in South Korea. There are up to 21 anniversaries, special days and celebrations a year for couples to shower each other with affection and gifts, and as a result some relationships are crushed under the weight of festivities. South Korean companies looked at the wild success of Valentine’s Day celebrations in their country and found ways to sell their goods and services through a tie-up with love, marketing officials say.

Yes, the Japanese-originated White Day is there on March 14th – in Japan women give chocolate on Feb-14 and men return the effort on Mar-14 – but there’s also Black Day. And Yellow Day-Rose Day. And Silver Day?

And I thought Hallmark was bad

Scratch and Sniff Anyways, after striking out at B&N, I was able to convince my wife to walk over with me to the Apple store to check out what was new. Wow – Complete chaos. The line was almost out the door. It always amazes me to see so much buzz still over the iPod and how just being in an Apple store makes me feel good. I spent some extra time just snooping around and watching people experience Macs for the first time, which is always interesting.

Mayhap. But what I really want to know, after visiting over a half dozen Apple stores in three different states, is why do they always smell the same? Hell, I can’t even identify the smell: it’s a cross between monitor-burn-in-smell, Windex, and some kinda plastic smell. I can’t tell, but I always know – by scent alone – that I’m in an Apple store.

Any Apple Heads out there want to shed some light on it?

Random Quotes From December

Some random quotes I wanted to share, from earlier in the month, since they all made me laugh…

“You know that character from Drawn Together? You know – the cartoon one!”

“Jeez! Your legs really are short!”

“Look! A pagan ritual tree!”

“We’re driving to Grandma’s house…” ‘Oh, you’re going to visit her?’ “No, we though we’d beep the horn as we drove by.”
Continue reading Random Quotes From December

Johnny Damon, Sans Hair?

Bronx Banter: While we were busy yesterday fretting over possible non-tenders such as Corey Patterson, Russell Branyan (both of whom were tendered after all), and Hee Seop Choi (who was re-signed by the Dodgers), Brian Cashman was cooking up a much tastier treat. Never mind Jason Michaels, Johnny Damon is coming to the Bronx. Get that barber’s chair ready.

Sure hope he doesn’t think he’s Samson… even so, it could be worse: the M’s sign Carl Everett. Grrr.

Political Eddies

Chris Sells: Bush sics the NSA on us w/o due process, starts a war so he can look tough for his dad and continues to dismiss global warming as a myth. Why aren’t we impeaching his ass?

While earlier today, jwz answers this very question: This is surely the most impeachable thing he’s done yet. But let me remind you why that is maybe not such a good strategy: Vice President – Dick Cheney
Continue reading Political Eddies