Category Archives: Rant

Why Do We Do This?

I’ve been slacking over the Olympics this year, which is sorta odd. I’m usually an Olympics junky, especially when the host city is in a conflicting time zone. I remember staying up to all hours for the 88 Summer Olympics – had to keep an eye on the medal count – and remember watching the 80 USA hockey team win in real time, since it was in NY.

This year, I’ve just been picking up random results from the ‘net and watching whatever interviews are being shoved into the morning newscasts… the TV interviews have made me sorta jaded recently, actually. Maybe it’s because I’ve only been seeing the recaps, but it’s the TV interviews that lead me to the question of: Why Do We Do This?
Continue reading Why Do We Do This?

Cock. Bite.

FOXSports: Outspoken Everett will shake up quiet Mariner — He hadn’t even started his first Mariners workout, and already Carl Everett was spicing up a bland Seattle spring training.

I’ve long said that if I went to an M’s game that I would root for them, unless they were playing the Yankees. What’s more is that I’d wear an M’s jersey if they were playing the Red Sox. And that’s saying a lot: I’ve never worn any other team’s MLB jersey. Ever. It’s true! The only two baseball jerseys I own that are non-Yankees are an independent minor league team in CT and a New York Rangers branded one. That aside, there’s no way in hell that I’m ever going to root for Carl Everett. The man is a cockbite and I won’t have any part of it.

Sorry Seattle fans – I can’t be even a little flexible on this one.

Vintage Steinbrenner

FOXSports: When baseball owners approved the World Cup in August 2004 at the urging of baseball commissioner Bud Selig, the Yankees abstained. “We don’t like it that well,” Steinbrenner said. “If a player gets hurt, he’s risking a lot. But it was Selig’s idea and he wants to do it, so I suppose we’re going to do it.” […] “Sure, there will be some more back out, whether it’s our players or somebody else’s,” Steinbrenner said. “I’m used to spring training being to concentrate on the World Series, and that’s what we like to see our players do. But we don’t tell them not to play.”

Steinbrenner was sitting in a golf cart as he answered questions, and the 75-year-old owner kept trying to drive away as reporters and camera men surrounded him. “Don’t let me run over you,” Steinbrenner said to the group.

Vintage George – attaboy.

Enough Already: Shooting Edition

What the hell? Cheney causes a hunting accident and there’s suddenly “the people have a right to know” debate? How do you figure that? I mean, is there even a reason to bring that kinda statement up? Think of it this way: if he were bowling and someone was standing behind him and got hit with the ball, would that be “news”? If he was at a batting cage and the bat slipped back enough to hit someone in the cage, would that be “news”? If they were playing golf and the dude didn’t get off the fairway when Chaney shouted Fore! and he got clipped, would that be “news”? It would be a joke to be replayed on SNL – shouldn’t be “news”… not for days and days.

They were hunting. The dude that got shot moved out of position without announcing himself – as he was supposed to – and got shot. There doesn’t need to be a cover up for this, because it’s not news. If the Veep was hunting quail and shot him with a silencer or melee’d him until he bled, that would be news. Of course now there will be some kinda of investigation and the press will try to shine some light on Cheney’s prostate… I don’t care, either way. I just can’t believe there’s a “right to information” issue being kicked around here. It defies logic.

The bigger news here should be the lobby for the NRA – if they were really that powerful, shouldn’t the Veep have been lugging an AK-47 for hunting or something? Just a shotgun?

Someone’s check musta bounced…

Negative Times a Negative Equals a Positive?

MSNBC: “Now in the West insulting the prophet is allowed, but questioning the Holocaust is considered a crime,” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said. “We ask, why do you insult the prophet? The response is that it is a matter of freedom, while in fact they (who insult the founder of Islam) are hostages of the Zionists. And the people of the U.S. and Europe should pay a heavy price for becoming hostages to Zionists,” he declared.

Maybe my math is off… but since when does insulting one man – be it prophet or otherwise – carry the same criminal weight as the imprisonment and mass murder of millions of people?
Continue reading Negative Times a Negative Equals a Positive?

Oi Vey “Defending the prophet should continue worldwide,” Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told the crowd. “Let (U.S. Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice, (President) Bush and all the tyrants shut up: We are a nation that can’t forgive, be silent or ease up when they insult our prophet and our sacred values.”

“Today, we are defending the dignity of our prophet with a word, a demonstration but let George Bush and the arrogant world know that if we have to … we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices,” Nasrallah added.

Er… we didn’t do this, so why are we getting blamed for it? Oh yeah, because we suggested that people not kill each other over a fuckin’ cartoon! Our bad.

On another note, can anyone point me to the Islamic dogma that clearly states: “if our prophet is depicted in a satire comic we should kill every non-Muslim we see in protest”?

Blurry Vision

I can’t focus. The ongoing “fury” of the referees from the Super Bowl continues… looks like it’s not just Seattle-ites that are pissed about it – I’ve heard that the media has picked up the story and reported enough about it that the NFL plans to have a statement. Guys? Don’t do it. Unless you’re going to make the whole game a do-over or have uncovered that the refs have been bought – a la the 1919 White Sox and from Tommy’s research, it should be a cheap buy – nothing, and I mean nothing, you say can help the situation. “Bad calls? That’s football!” is not going to help matters any. Just shut up and wait for Super Bowl XLI and make sure it never happens again.

And what the fuck, Pittsburgh? You won the game and you burn your own city? In celebratation? What the hell is wrong with you people? You yellow pants wearing jackasses. Grow up.

Then there’s the cartoon thing. That shows no sign of going away quietly… the radical and militant Muslims have grabbed hold of it now and are helping to spin it out of control. Attacking governments over what independent newspapers print will only end in chaos and bloodshed. It’s only a matter of time until we get sucked into it. People should be kissing Bush’s hairy bean bag for once – if he keeps his sights on local issues, he can’t bumble it, and that’s a wonderful blessing in this debacle. Yesterday I read a story on Reuters about one of the protests that had a lot of “Death to America” signs flying… Um, they know that we’re not in this debacle, right? Our state department be out there with that message, I think.

Yep: no focus whatsoever.

Not A Target Pakistani Islamists from Jamiat Ulma-e-Pakistan group burn Danish, Norwegian and French flags during a rally in Lahore February 3, 2006.

We’re not being blamed for something, for a change… how refreshing. The fact that this is all over a cartoon is rather strange and scary – I mean WWI was started by an assassination of an obscure Royal figure… could one drawing spark another multi-nation war?

Could be.
Continue reading Not A Target

Tis the Season? Pittsburgh linebacker Joey Porter kept up his verbal barrage against the Seahawks, saying Thursday the Steelers will be so physical in the Super Bowl they will try to make Seattle quit playing. […] The Seahawks aren’t accustomed to Porter’s outbursts, as the Steelers and most of the AFC teams are, and Farrior suggested that might account for the stir created by Porter’s words.

Not accustomed to it? Who would be? I mean is this guy always this big of an asshole, or is it just for the playoffs? I mean, he accused the officials of cheating during the Colts game… his own teammate had to shut him up.

One other quote that stood out to me: Porter said he wouldn’t have said anything if Stevens hadn’t talked.

Hah – right! – this guy dude has been yapping non-stop for two days, to anyone that would listen, standing on the mountain that he’s created out of a molehill… pft.