Category Archives: Rant

The Sopranos: 1999 – 2007

During high school, did you ever date a chick for a while and never get her into the sack? Come close, have some good times, but ya never get her into bed? And then one night, she hops out of the car, leaving you with a raging hard and says, “Hey it was fun and all, but I’m leaving tonight for another country, so you’ll never see me again – KTHXBYE!” leaving you in the driver’s seat with a pitched tent, a particular body part that’s so blue it almost looks like a Smurf mooning you, and a general feeling of un-satisfaction?

Yeah, well, the analogy holds for the series finale… in fact, after 8 years of watching, I’m so underwhelmed that I expect a new episode next week. And believe me – the finale of Cheers, where Sam closes the bar for the night at the end of a regular day, implying that he’ll be back at work tomorrow, is one of my more favorite endings. There doesn’t always have to be a spectacle, but there does have to be some form of closure. Looks like Six Feet Under stays in the #1 position for series finales.

No, no, I’m not over reacting, honest! I watched the east coast feed and when I was done, I called my sister to see if my DVR ate the ending.

It didn’t.

AHAHAHAHA Faith! In a rare public discussion of her husband’s infidelity, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that she probably could not have gotten through her marital troubles without relying on her faith in God.

Translation: “I want to seem more balanced for any Republicans that are religious but not like what their party has done, so let me throw this out there and see if I can’t get more votes”.

I mean honestly: you’re talking your husband’s 10-year old marital affair now??? Besides, lemme call you on it Mz. Clinton: it wasn’t faith that got you through your husbands infidelity – it was the fact that your political party had way too much bad press with Bill at the time and needed damage control, you wanted and still needed their support for your Senate run , and you were afraid what people would think of you – politically – if you enabled the first US President to be divorced in office… which makes me wonder if that’s why we’ve seen your last name changes, depending on the audience you’re speaking to. Do you think Americans are so dumb that we won’t notice how the Rodham appears when speaking to or about women issues and disappears for other male focused interests? Not all of us are that dumb and gullible. And truth be told, I’m fine with all of that stuff. It shows that you are a very smart business person. I mean, it’s not because you’re a woman – you’ve already proven that you can be just a savvy and sneaky as a male. And that’s what I’m not fine with: that fact that you’re going to wrap this issue up in biblical wrapping paper and play the “woe is me, my faith my faith!” woman for press…

That’s a bit too much for me to swallow – too much like my other favorite Media Whore.

Lead Belly And The Opera Singer

How do you know you’re devoted to a TV show? When you watch the low-def version of the penultimate show on the east coast feed, rather than waiting another three hours for the HD west coast feed.

I won’t say a word in way of a spoiler about the second to last episode of The Sopranos, but I will say that I now have no idea how the show will end – in all seriousness I have some ideas but they’re really just all of the possible outcomes now, rather than a hunch – and frankly it was the most painful episode I’ve watched in a while… Honestly: my stomach is still in knots after being on pins and needles, waiting for stuff to happen. Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, 24, Babylon 5 – great shows, but they didn’t cause me stomach cramps…

And God knows that cramps are a great barometer for TV quality.

Need Another Reason To Vote Rudy In 2008?

CNN: Religious conservative leader James Dobson will sit out the 2008 presidential election if former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is the Republican presidential nominee, he wrote Thursday in an online column. In a piece published on the conservative Web site WorldNetDaily, Dobson wrote that Giuliani’s support for abortion rights and civil unions for homosexuals, as well as the former mayor’s two divorces, were a deal-breaker for him. “I cannot, and will not, vote for Rudy Giuliani in 2008. It is an irrevocable decision,” he wrote.

Call me crazy, but… um… well. Frankly a condemnation from this mamone means more to me than a vote of support would, considering the issues that have Dobson’s panties in a bunch…

Maybe it’s time we get a mammal in the Big Chair that’s more human than religious zealot or politician?

May 15 – No Gas Day?

I’ve gotten a few people that have forwarded emails about how to “boycott” gas on May 15, in an effort to protest high gas prices. Seems the same thing was done on April 15, and someone somewhere thinks that it would make a “statement” to gas companies.

To all of you participating in this: thank you for making the line at my local gas station smaller this morning.
Continue reading May 15 – No Gas Day?

Gimmie. Now.

Last August, Amazon listed the Ambient Stock Orb for sale at $20. It’s a neat little thing, the Orb. Especially at $20. At its MSRP of $150, it’s not all that compelling. I ordered one. A couple of days later, they reported to me that it was a glitch and they cancelled my order. Then they re-listed the thing at $31.99, so I took the time to order it again. Since then, they’ve kept a running delay on the order: each month they push the date out by a month. The most recent ship date was this week but it’s now listed as mid-June.

Scammer? Bait and switch? Out and out fraud? I’d like to think Amazon is better than that, but I don’t know what to make of it now. I mean I ordered eight months ago… I just keep accepting the delays, since it’s not a critical item. And it is being sold at 1/5 of retail. I figure that they’ll eventually cancel the order, if only to save whatever cash they’re burning while tracking the thing – and then I can file a formal complaint: to keep an order active for this long sorta proves that it’s not a pricing error right?

Want shiny lit orb thing!

+5 Randomization

A week of family stuffs, most of it sad or at least worrisome… Too many days of work in a row… 60 hours of work already this week if you exclude Sunday… overloaded. Mini-break coming up this weekend sans notebook – back to business as usual next week.

I think I’ll take a moment to frag some beta souls before going to bed…

What’s the Plus?

Looking over this week’s ads from Target – and debating on picking up a copy of Pokémon before flying to Vegas this weekend – I noticed a “Diet Coke Plus” on one of the pages… what’s the “plus”? That’s what I said.

Well, it’s new enough so that it’s not even on their web yet, but this image tells us it’s “Diet Coke with Vitamins and Minerals”.

I do not what to know – I mean, what’s next, a Big Mac with extra Vitamin-C?

Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli

Wired: ‘Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly Counterstrike, a hugely popular online game published by Microsoft, in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns.’ Mr. Gates, your company is potentially legally liable the [sic] harm done at Virginia Tech. Your game, a killing simulator, according to the news that used to be in the Post, trained him to enjoy killing and how to kill.

Jesus Christ, Jack. Why not be a bit more subtle and just dance a jig on the graves of people that were killed just for going to class. You have no heart. No class. And you should be disbarred for wasting people’s time and energy for a self-serving invented witch hunt.

You, sir, are so beneath the human race that I believe you should be disbarred: you shouldn’t be allowed to speak for my species.
Continue reading Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli

I Hate People: Borders Edition

I’m at Borders, in their cafe section. I’m reading a book I ordered years ago at Amazon while I wait for my Jeep to get repaired up the road. On my table are three books I bought and a ColdBrewed latte. There’s a couple next to me reading through a stack of seven magazines apiece, with no drink or food in sight.

What the fuck?!

I have no idea why Borders allows themselves to be a customer funded library, but I do know this just pisses me off. Especially when I think about how often I buy stuff here… I have to wonder how many times I paid full price for books that were actually pre-read – used merchandise sold fruadulently as new!

In every sense: campers, leechers, and r0dents are t3h suck.

Oh No He Didn’t!

Actually, yes, I did.

In light of the fallout of the Imus Debacle I’m reminded just how much I dislike Media Whores of all race, gender, and creed. Consider Al Sharpton. The last time I looked, Al Baby doesn’t play women’s basketball at Rutgers and given recent events, I’d say that the team at Rutgers can easily take care of themselves and are empowered to voice their own opinion. Why is he taking offense to Imus’s comments? Does Al Baby think he’s a nappy headed ho? I dunno, but I’ll take a guess as to why: for the media exposure!

What does that have to do with the war in Iraq? Let me start my own version of a spin machine and explain.
Continue reading Oh No He Didn’t!

Oi: Get The F-bomb Outta Here Edition

The other day I was reading something about how some guy was in trouble for using the N-word on air. MSNBC just the other day posted something about about a pilot that got suspended from his job for “dropping the F-bomb” while on a cell call pre-flight (although at one point he did swear at a passenger, but still). South Park got an entire episode out of using the sh!t on “quasi-public TV”.

What the fuck is wrong with you all?
Continue reading Oi: Get The F-bomb Outta Here Edition