Has anyone else noticed that Forrest Gump is consistenlty wearing blue in every scene in the movie? Well, except for the scenes that require an army uniform…
Every scene that he is dressed in his own clothes, it’s always a blue shirt.
Has anyone else noticed that Forrest Gump is consistenlty wearing blue in every scene in the movie? Well, except for the scenes that require an army uniform…
Every scene that he is dressed in his own clothes, it’s always a blue shirt.
MSNBC: Debate on lower drinking age bubbling up
Proponents say current restriction drives teen alcohol use underground. Over the strong objection of federal safety officials, a quiet movement to lower the legal drinking age to 18 is taking root as advocates argue that teenagers who are allowed to vote and fight for their country should also be able to enjoy a beer or two. […] Choose Responsibility proposes lowering the drinking age to 18, but only in conjunction with “drinking licenses,” similar to driver’s licenses, mandating alcohol education for those ages 18 to 21. “Education works,” McCardell said, but “it’s never been tried. Now it’s mandatory only after you’ve been convicted of DUI. That is not an act of genius.”
Took over almost five years to catch up, but it looks like someone finally did… after all I said it first.
omg!: Danica McKellar has a message for girls: Cute and smart is better than cute and dumb. McKellar, who played Winnie on the 1990s television show “The Wonder Years,” is coming out with a book, “Math Doesn’t Suck,” to encourage girls to get into math. “When girls see the antics of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, they think that being fun and glamorous also means being dumb and irresponsible,” the 32-year-old McKellar told Newsweek for editions to hit newsstands Monday.
Wonder if she’s going to send Paris, Nicole, and Lindsay a thank you card for creating the perfect environment for the release of a book like this? She should get more press out of them than any book junket could.
Still, dumb seems to sell better than smart – Danica has an uphill battle ahead of her.
I never thought I’d get to this level of frustration with an online company, but I getting extremely close to activating my “legal benefits” package at work and suing Expedia.com for the on going debacle that was my vacation.
Updated: Happy ending to my story in that the credit hit my account on Friday – yay!
Continue reading Legal Action: Avoided
CNN.com: Lindsay Lohan arrested again
I don’t know much about Lohan. Maybe it’s because there were enough Paris headlines in the news that as soon as I saw that smug blonde face I clicked away a page or changed a channel… the most I knew about Lohan was that they had to digitally reduce her chi-chi’s for the Herbie movie because Disney was “concerned” about her figure being “too much” for young viewers.
Then I saw this on CNN today. And I have to say that I’m… I dunno what. Taking the star status, the girl-next-door face, and the popping chi-chi’s out of the picture this is what I’ve seeing: a woman that’s just got out of rehab for alcohol two weeks ago that turned herself into police for an outstanding DUI charge last Thursday only to then get arrested last night for DUI with a BAL of 0.12 – less than a week after rehab! – and possessing/using cocaine. All the while wearing a “alcohol monitor on her ankle as part of her outpatient treatment”. So her rehab made her turn to coke? Was the monitor actually a flask that beeped when she was drying out? And if she had to wear the bracelet for alcohol what do they make her wear for the “coming cocaine problem”?
If she doesn’t get chucked in the clink for this one I’m calling [a louder than normal] foul on all of Hollywood. “Pressures of filming”? She hasn’t worked in weeks because of rehab! Put her ass into a Burger King kitchen for three months and see how much she appreciates “the pressures” of acting.
Maybe Sharpton, Sheehan, or O.J. can get involved and help drive a worthy cause to do something about it before Lindsay drives over someone?
t3h weekend report.
With no spoilers from the latest Potter book.
Continue reading QFC FTW!
Saw the latest Potter movie. It was pretty good and rather concise but I sort of expected both.
More with “minor” spoilers after the jump…
Continue reading Harry Potter: Movie 5
It’s not often that I ask the question “Why me?” because I usually know why things happen to me. A bad decision. Not checking the expiration date on a carton of eggs. Picking blue instead of red. Moving too quickly when I shouldn’t have; moving too slowly when speed would have helped. Over thinking or under thinking at the wrong times… Last night I was witness to an episode of my life where it can only be assumed that my existence on this planet is for God’s laugh track. Actually, I discovered my ultimate purpose before high school, but every now and again I’m reminded of it.
Usually I’m OK with it but for some reason, this one just isn’t sitting well…
Continue reading The Randomness Of It All
MSNBC: Diet pill’s icky side effects keep users honest […] Threat of embarrassment forces Alli users to eat healthy — or else […] “(I)’ve pooped my pants 3 times today, and sorry to get descriptive but it even leaked onto the couch at one point!” writes one user.
Now that is pretty freakin classic. Product could backfire and cause you to backfire yet the article goes on to include comments about how people love it.
Talk about a great marketing department, look at Alli: talented enough to sell shit and have people ask for more – that’s success.
Happy Fourth of July. And Happy Post iPhone Launch weekend. Sorry for the quiet time too lately – I finally got to take the vacation that got postponed from the end of April.
The recap follows…
Continue reading Vegas: The Nickel and Dime iTour
This was a real subject line from a piece of SPAM that I noticed while cleaning out my Junk Mail folder. What a hoot.
In other news, Trixie tells me that if I persist in wearing on wearing denim shorts to work, that she would, well, um, lets just say that there was certain threats made that had nothing to do with kicking in a FIFA match or with the jewels in Bejeweled. Anyway, I now know that I’ll have to wonder what she’s looking at when I’m lomping around the cafe in a food coma. Wonder if I can get workman’s comp if I get jacked while waiting in the espresso line… huh.
Guess I should start wearing a cup to work. *g*
YouTube: The Price is Right – Wardrobe Malfunction
This is something out of the late 70’s if I had to guess, considering the clothing, the hairstyles and that Bob Barker’s hair is naturally dark. And since Bob left the show this Friday – and the show came out the year I was born and all of my grandparents used to watch it everyday, meaning that I grew up with it – I thought I’d share this clip.
If anything, it shows the difference in our country between the mid-1970’s and the mid-2000’s… sad that we’re not as laid back in our attitudes as we were then!
Ken Levine: If THE SOPRANOS were on a major network The finale would be at least two hours. There would be a one hour clip show hosted by Bob Costas preceding it. There would be live coverage of the cast party on the network’s local 11:00 news. It would be the lead story even if Hurricane Katrina hit that day…
True, true, totally valid point… and a much better approach than the “high brow” response that I’ve been hearing of “wow, that was brilliant!”. Brilliantly filmed, yes. Cop out of an ending with a back door kick for a movie deal? Yes. My point is that there’s got to be some happy medium between that version and a version that makes you think your DVR shit the bed.
While I’m not as pissed over the ending as I was Sunday night, I still feel… unsatisfied.
Although now I’m half prepared for Harry Potter’s new book to have the last three chapters missing – if it’s “brilliant” for Chase it should be “brilliant” for Rowling, no?
Rudy: Rudy’s 12 Commitments To America
Ambitious, I’ll say that. What I like about it more is that here’s an itemized list of “what I plan to do, if you elect me” which is something that I don’t remember seeing from the last three mamone’s that ran for the office.
Very easy to hold someone accountable to their ideals if they’re written out in a to-do list – hopefully we’ll be checking to see how the guy does come 2012.