Category Archives: Rant

In Ignorance We Trust

Meh. I was going to post a whole long diatribe about some rock guy that was on KISW this morning, calling for the removal of our electoral college system of electing presidents (something about “who are these guys anyway?” and it being their fault that Gore lost ) but I’m just not in the mood to bother with it.

Long story short: the electoral college was designed so bigger states can have louder voicers while not leaving out smaller states entirely, the electors are tasked to mark their ballot based on their regions voting, read a political science text book before forming opinions on the political systems of the world, and place blame where blame belongs which usually means on the ppl in FL.

That just about covers it.

Priceless… or something.

Number of days since contacting your publisher about re-printing your book so it sucks less: 365

Cost of re-printing the book: about $200

Number of pages changed in the year long re-printing effort: 0

Years at current sales rate before making back original printing costs: about 20

Time spent blogging when I should have been editing my book: infinity + 1


I should just stop sleeping altogether so I have more time to do things.


I wanted to take a moment to thank the Yankees for winning on Sunday night. After the Seahawks put up as many points as I had in football on Sunday morning, I fully expected to have a day of nothing but sports angst. At least this way, I had a brief moment of happiness before baseball went dark for the rest of this week, now that all of the LCS teams have been settled.

And on the LDS series: shit or get off the pot. This 5 game nonsense is just that: nonsense. Either get rid of the thing or make it a proper 7 games, like the NHL does.

Otherwise, I am somewhat intrigued that the ALCS and NLCS teams have shaped up like they have. First off, there’s two teams from the NL West: waaaaai? Looks like we’re getting an East vs West no matter who wins – if the ratings are off this year, maybe we can put the “not enough of the nation is involved” battle to rest, finally. In addition to that, the top four teams from the MLB have made it to the the LCS: it’s almost like going back to the days before the Wild Card. I can’t remember the last time that happened – maybe it hasn’t since the Wild Card started?

Onto the “Curse of A-Rod”. I don’t think it’s A-Rod that is carrying a curse… I think it’s another person that’s very much beloved by lifetime Yankees fans: Donnie Baseball. Has anyone else noticed that it? I mean, Mattingly left the team after playing in the post season in 1995. The Yankees won the Series in 1996; they hadn’t been to the Series since 1981, the year before Donnie came up in 1982. Breaks my heart that Donnie played for the team all that time with no Ring to show for it, but what can you do? Well, in our case, we can bring him back to the team in the form of a coach. His first year with the team again was 2004 and we know how that year turned out… *sigh* It’s just a trend I see. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.

Oh, and just for tradition’s sake: fuck you, Boston!

Good News for Sony and the PS3

Now that PGR4 has been released there will be a number of new screen shots available for Sony to try and pass off as Gran Turismo 4.

In all honesty, PGR4 has surprisingly impressed me. The weather alone is pretty damned, uh, pretty, and the game play is a lot more fun than I expected it to be… and since I had to do some game testing on it – my team had some work on it! – I played it more than not, which is getting rare these days… a lot of the work I’ve been doing lately hasn’t had much title facing work – this was an exception to that.

The big question is how to I get my 360 to cough up its Halo 3 disc so I can play it!


I’m officially boycotting the EU.

If I want to experience the UK, I’ll eat a crumpet and go to Australia. Need the green of Ireland? I live in the Evergreen State – I’ll play golf and have a mint shake from McDonald’s next March. If I want to experience Germany, I’ll go drink beer in Canada. If I want to experience Italy, I’ll swing by New York or [one of the three hotels in] Vegas. Spain? Go to Mexico. Portugal? Visit Brazil. France? I’ll act snooty and superior for half an hour and then kick my self in the nuts until I bleed out of my mouth.

Dumbest freakin’ thing ever. I demand to see OSX N, Linux N, and OS/2 Warp 4 N… if Windows can’t ship with a media player, neither should any other OS. I have WMP on my machine right now but I don’t use it. I have four different media players on my machines. How does having WMP installed prevent me from using another player? It doesn’t.

Further, I love how no European judge considered that market share dropped off because of the dip in a certain media player’s quality… there was a point there when the installer crashed for feck’s sake.


Cloud Fraking Nine

I had trouble sleeping last night… my face was sore from smiling all night. While my soul was at peace, my mind was racing with visions of broken Red Sox fans as they watched a glorious rally in the 8th inning of last nights game. It was simply magical.

Oh, and how can you tell a ball player is spending their first year in Boston? They quoted by the media making the following statement: “We’re still up by 4.5, not down by 4.5,” Coco Crisp said, “so it’s hardly time to panic.” Poor bastard doesn’t know what he’s in for, playing on this ball club. The defeatest mentality of the Boston Fan already has them out of the playoffs and turning to football. It’s just their nature.

As for me, this one game made my season – the rest of it is just an epiloge.

“Damn It, That’s A Big Fat Ass!”

I got a new leather sectional less than a year ago. Ordered it on September 3 but it took a couple of months for it to get here from Italy. Was a simple set up really: seats six people if you put someone on the corner piece and is covered in the typical “unmarried black” leather. I didn’t want to custom order it, but I couldn’t find a black section anywhere. They had sectionals but not in black or leather; they black leather sets that weren’t sections. And I checked everywhere before going custom.

Three weeks ago I sat on the corner section and it sunk down a bit low. Felt like the cushion slide off the frame and sunk down into the base. I would have pulled it up and out of the frame, but all of the leather is one piece so I couldn’t. I called the store for service: “the repair center will call you back.” A week later, I called back: “it’ll take about two weeks for the service to call you.” Uhhhh, OK. I know the set has a 10 year warranty but will it take 10 years to get warranty service? Two weeks after my first call, I got a call and set up an appointment for this week… the guy came by yesterday. The frame is simply broken. He’s suggesting they replace the whole furniture set, which makes me happy but also concerned… I mean, was I just unlucky or can I expect this every year? Guess time will tell…

Doesn’t change the fact that the whole episode makes me think I need to spend more time at the gym.

Random News Update

Wow. Been over a week since my last post. Am I bored of blogging? Nah. So busy that I haven’t had time to blog? Something like that. Busy with school work? Nah – BioShock, actually… which is kinda funny since I didn’t care much about it until I saw the demo. Then I figured “ah, lemme get it for kicks” – sooooo very much fun!

Lots of other little stuffs going on too, but that’ll come out over time. Suffice to say that my class is over – finally! – and I’ve been working on a spare liver the last few weeks. Aside from that, just beginning to feel the pressure of the games industry as the Holiday Season approaches… I some how didn’t feel it this strongly last year!


Hate With …Moderate Hate

If you are paying $180 for cable and Internet access do you think it’s a good or bad idea to screw up your product offering enough that a customer has no alternative but to call for customer service, reminding them that they are in fact spending over $2,100 per year whether or not the service works in the first place?

Yes, Comcast has finally made my List of Hate… they can stay off the List of Great Hate but it’s going to be a tricky thing for them to pull off, given the hole they’ve dug for themselves.
Continue reading Hate With …Moderate Hate