Category Archives: Rant

“It Just Works,” My Ass

I’d been putting it off for a while, but I finally went ahead and picked up an HDMI Switch Box. Wait, didn’t I already have one? Yeah, I did, but that was for Component inputs… since I got that back in 2006, my needs have changed. I don’t need more than two Component input these days: one for my Wii and one for my DVD player. Everything else that is video related can go HDMI.

Or so I thought – my Mac mini is causing me all sorts of trouble… yes, Apple is causing yet another problem in my electronic world.

As usual.
Continue reading “It Just Works,” My Ass

Merry Christmas!

Just poking my out of my vacation long enough to give a Happy Holidays to y’all… I’ve been shunning almost all email – work and personal – over the last four days in an attempt to get clean go analog for a little while. Recharge the ol’batteries and all that.

Don’t get me wrong, though – I still have my Xbox LIVE account with me here but I just haven’t had much time to play anything while on holiday.

Merry Christmas!

Shit Or Get Off The Pot

PCWorld: The 15 Biggest Tech Disappointments of 2007 These much-ballyhooed products, sites, and services, it turned out, left much to be desired.

PCWorld should be embarrassed to call themselves a publication house… I haven’t seen facts this abused in support of biased arguments since… I don’t know the last time I’ve seen it like this, but it was probably political.

PCWorld can bite my entire shiny metal ass.
Continue reading Shit Or Get Off The Pot

The Black KKK

Fox Sports: Taylor’s death a grim reminder for us all. There’s a reason I call them the Black KKK. The pain, the fear and the destruction are all the same.


I mean, consider what happened to Imus, when he said one offcolored remark and then read this post from Jason Whitlock… makes me wonder what the fallout will look like. Especially since the guy is right.

Just wow.


For reasons that remain unclear to me, I decided to have some carpet replaced with hardwood in my house. The work was originally supposed to be done in October (during the quiet caused by the reorg) but there was a delay getting the parts in stock, so it was rescheduled to start this coming Monday. Spur of the moment thing, the installer asks me if they can start on Ssaturday instead. I say OK, figuring that the installation might go long anyway – why not start early? After all I had prepped most of the den – couldn’t move the furniture from the other rooms until that floor was done first: gotta put the couch (which also got repaired this weekend) somewhere and it won’t fit anywhere else… it’s sorta like all of the joys of moving, except you don’t go anywhere, to be honest – what a pain in the ass.

Aside from two runs for coffee, I’ve been in my house – which has whole rooms emptied for work and other rooms over flowing with extra crap – for the last 48 hours. I have about 1/8th of my den floor sporting hard wood now – they haven’t even started on the living room or dining room. They planned to work on this Mon-Wed – now I wonder if it’s going to bleed into the weekend after Thanksgiving…

At least the ‘net, 360, cable, and TV are all still active – otherwise I might have consumed my own spleen by now.

Uh… Wha?

Gizmodo: In an effort to combat rampant piracy in China, Paramount and Warner Brothers have begun selling legitimate DVDs there for only $3. And these titles are not some bargain bin Steven Segal DVDs either, rather new releases that are only two months out from their theater debut in the US. The $3 price tag is still over twice as high as a pirated copy, but the studios hope that customers will learn the value of the legal versions.

Lemme get this straight… the nation has piss poor control over their citizens so piracy runs rampant – and has since the 80’s* – and now they’re getting retail DVD’s for $3 and faster than we get them????

Maybe once “they learn the value of legal versions” they can explain it to us Yanks since we are paying $10-$20 per movie, $20-$40 for seasons of TV shows (that run in syndication) and $60+ for some box sets like The Sopranos. Right now? Right now, I’m not seeing this supposed value.

* and I quote a friend’s father who used to go to Singapore and Hong Kong all the time for business circa 1984, “Eh? Yeah, they have E.T. on VHS!** They have everything on VHS – you just have to ignore the subtitles!”

** E.T., originally released in 1982, came to VHS for the first time in 1988 (and one of the first priced around $20 – all new movies at the time were going for $90/tape, mostly to both encourage rentals and extort cash from independent rental stores (Blockbuster was both small and new at this point.)

Dating Sucks. Still.

Seems that a previous Rant about how dating sucks has been highly ranked by the major search engines. What I mean is that if you search for “dating sucks” using any of the three biggest search engines, you’ll end up here.

I’m not sure how I felt about that… I mean, do I want to be known for my cynical [yet accurate] view of dating?

Then I re-read the post. Then I considered some of the recent tribulations I’ve had during my most recent dating adventure. And the weekend that a fellow bar patron scared off a woman while trying to “help” me along. And the angst I had during the week from all of the drunken couples at the local bar on Halloween.

Continue reading Dating Sucks. Still.


MSNBC: A 19-year-old man suspected of killing a woman who answered an online ad for a baby sitter was charged Tuesday with second-degree murder. […] Olson had gone to Anderson’s home Thursday to inquire about a baby-sitting job she had seen advertised on the popular Internet bulletin board Craigslist, authorities said.

Be ready, folks: a huge “the interwebs are unsafe!!1!!1!” backlash is about to begin.


while (life) {

  if (rand() == GetCurrentTicksFromBirth())




Should be as simple as that, but it never is. Sorry – I’ve just been rather… reflective lately. Changing things around my house. Toying with shaving my head for Halloween. Contemplating blocking Fox from my cable box for the next couple of weeks, to avoid the insanity of Boston in a World Series. It’s also probably the re-org – whenever work changes gears I usually need to take a step back to catch my breath…

Maybe it’s because I’m turning 35 next month. Or maybe it’s because I now have one retired parents. Or maybe it’s because I know people that are younger than the socks in this picture, which have made their way from my Freshman year of high school in 1986, through two other schools, a cross-country move, and four different residences… even so – Chuck’ll confirm this – these are the thickest socks known to man, and while the elastics probably gave out years ago, they are still in one piece which is truly bizarre. Almost as bizarre as the fact that I found them in my sock drawer just this morning and said “what the hell do I have these for?”

I think I’ll just put them back in the drawer.