Something to be said about good timing… it’s saved me a whole lotta time and panic on this fine Thursday.
Continue reading Good Timing
Category Archives: digital pity
Maybe It’s Just Me…
DownloadSquad: Xandros comes very close to addressing those concerns with their latest Linux distro, which has a foolproof setup utility, comes with KDE configured to be as Windows-like as possible, can read and write to Windows partitions, and includes Crossover Office 4.2, which allows many standard Windows apps to run under Linux.
I don’t get it.
Continue reading Maybe It’s Just Me…
Ah, The Pursuits Of Science
College Sex Advice: How much water can a condom hold?
For some reason, safe sex feels safer, having seen the results.
They Can’t Have It!
ESRB has recalled GTA:SA. I have a copy for the Xbox. If they want my copy back, they’ll have to frag me first, and what are the odds that a board created to rate video games can actually play one well?
Even if I don’t play it much – compared to Halo 2 – they aren’t getting it back.
Told Ya So
CNET: ‘Write once, run anywhere’ not working for phones
Far be it from me to say the common “I told you so” but I so fuckin’ told you so! Over three years ago, too. And yes, “you” know who you are.
Sorry for the overload of entries today, but there’s some things that couldn’t be left unsaid.
ABCNews: Shopping for Dates at Wal-Mart […] Singles can head to the Roanoke Wal-Mart tonight for the third of the store’s weekly singles nights, held every Friday evening. Billed as a way singles can meet their match while filling their cart, participating customers select shopping carts adorned with red bows identifying them as singles looking to mingle. The rest is up to them. […] “And that runs the gamut from 20-somethings to single parents to senior citizens. It’s extremely popular over there,” [some employee] said.
I can’t get my mind around this one. I mean, I remember thinking “where did all these Springer rejects come from?” when they opened a Wal-Mart near my old hometown. I would have sworn they imported them all, just to have that “unique Wal-Mart Feeling” to it. The only Wal-Mart I’ve been to that hasn’t had “that feeling” to it was in northeastern Tennesee; the rest of them have all oozed with it.
Fear… in bulk sizes.
What’s This? No Denim?
TriXie: I know not all of you are offenders, but working at Microsoft I see a host of summer sins that I’d like to go away. Denim shorts. Just don’t do it. Girls can do it–in fact I frequently bust out the Daisy Dukes–but men can NOT. It’s unsightly and dorky and we girls beg you to just throw them away. I have even seen an occasional hottie wear those and so clearly even the best of you need to be educated.
Do you honestly think that the level of my sexiness can be changed based off the type of shorts I wear? That’s like arguing that 0 Kelvin would feel much colder than 50 Kelvin, if you were in the freezer or something: my sexiness level ain’t ramping up because of shorts selection. In fact, it probably ratchets up a good notch or three just because I’m wearing pants at all… Give up my Levi’s?
I will not comply!
A Good Case For Birth Control
RedAssedBaboon: Basically, it’s a video of a session from the X-Box Live game of Rainbow Six. A kid forgets to turn his microphone off when he starts arguing with his mom about playing the game. While I’m sure we’ve all been there, it gets pretty sad and pathetic. Video [warning: vulgar language included]
The lil bastard needs a beat down. Seriously.
Thank You MSNBC!
w00t! The latest redesign of MSNBC got rid of the brick of popup menus! I hated the old design. Anytime you rolled anywhere close to the left side of a browser you were treated to a mogambo popup – like 90% of the screen would go grey. Not to mention it was a “rollover” menu: if you were trying to navigate the menu you had to walk the fine narrow path of the menu items… not only ugly but horrific to use.
No lie: when I used to teach an HTML class, I used to point students to the MSNBC site for “what not to do with JavaScript” and the old ICQ site for “what not to do with web design” [they used to have three columns of text and 27 screens of scrolling] because I felt they were that bad.
Social Changes: Bluetooth Edition
Someone needs to get on the news and start talking about wireless hands free kits. Obviously we can’t leave it to the carriers – I’m still amazed that any of them are in business, given their tunnel-business-vision. But someone has to talk about Bluetooth headsets. I swear, if I have one more person look at me like I’ve lost my mind while I’m in a the middle of a phone call, I’m… well… I’m going to lose my mind! Even at the local Farmer’s Market, I stopped to pet a Doberman pooch and said into my headset, “You would not believe the Doberman that I’m petting right now! Perfect markings!” Owner of the dog looks at me with wide eyes and almost starts to pull away from me; I look at her and say “I’m on the phone” and gesture to my headset.
Yeah, well, after seeing her expression, I don’t think she believed me… someone needs to start showing off some mobile tech and soon.
Would You Like A Zip Code For That Ego?
FurryGoat: [Scripting News] Well, even though the vast majority of people have never heard of Steve or myself, we’re more influential than John Lennon or Bob Dylan ever were.
Um, no. (’nuff said)
Actually, I don’t know that that is quite enough said.
Continue reading Would You Like A Zip Code For That Ego?
Strange Things Are Afoot
When does 1 + 1 = 10?
Continue reading Strange Things Are Afoot
I didn’t know where to file it, frankly, but it’s a pity Renee Zellweger is now married… And to Kenny Chesney of all people? I guess it works. It’s funny cuz like you hear about Pitt and Jolie, a bunch of people are all “awww mannnn! S/he hooked up with someone?!” but for these two it most people give it a “huh?”. Like mere mortals would have a shot at Pitt or Jolie. At least with Chesney or Zellweger, frankly, they seem like normal people. In fact, I know that most of eastern Tennessee has to be reeling in shock from this… and a few people on Long Island are probably heart broken over Renee.
There might have been a point to this but three phone calls, four emails and two IM’s later, I seem to have misplaced it. Hah.
Tom’s Hardware: Microsoft officially launched the 64-bit client version of Windows XP professional today at WinHEC and announced that it will offer users of 64-bit processors and the 32-bit XP Pro a free upgrade to the new operating system.
Classy move. Other OS makers should take note of the gesture.
Doh: She’s Early!
TUAW: Well, if you didn’t order your copy of Tiger directly from Apple, but rather from PCMall or ClubMac, then you may be lucky enough to receive Tiger today. […] In other news, reportedly somewhere near Infinite Loop, a bearded gentleman wearing a mock turtleneck was seen from a distance and heard clearly exclaiming random expletives in a string of curses aimed towards PCMall and ClubMac.
“Sweet.” – Eric Cartman