All posts by Randy

Happy April’s Fool Day

Over the holiday weekend, one of my relatives asked at least four times what we “all did before we had these damned cell phones” in our lives. This tickled me on a number of levels… I mean first was the “damn” on Easter… a quick dip into the pool of irony never hurt anyone – unless you go into the pool within the first 30 minutes after eating a meal – so that wasn’t too bad. But I was of two minds with the whole technology gripe.
Continue reading Happy April’s Fool Day

Maxima Drivers

I’ve recently formed a new stereotype in my mind’s eye that I felt like sharing… Maxima drivers. They all suck. And I mean suck bad. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed? I can’t tell if there’s a 90% blind spot around the car, or if the drivers choose not to look. I haven’t figured out if it’s the overloading of horsepower in the engine or there’s some type of airborne pollen in the car’s climate control system that make the drivers drive too fast or just completely recklessly. I don’t know. Maybe they screened people in high school gym classes and that’s the group the Nissan targets.
Continue reading Maxima Drivers


Random music notes… no pun intended. Latest thing I hear is Rush is slating their new CD (Vapor Trails) to be out soon. Now, before I start to take crap from people out there, let me say this: there’s no way that just three people should be putting out this kind of sound. They’ve been together for over 25 years, so they know each other’s styles well and frankly, they’ve done every type of music conceivable. That earns my respect as a musician; if you don’t agree, you suck. Probably a Rolling Stones fan at that, too. Talk about a lack of talent, those guys should have never gotten their first contract much less been going on all this time… I hear Charlie Watts needs an extra 100 volts from the local CPR machine to keep him going before each show… anyway, Rush fan’s can check out!

PS2: Grand Theft Auto 3

This won’t be the first time this happens, but I need to share a Geek moment with the “world”. Also, and please don’t be shocked, but this is a Rave and not a Rant. It could easily be turn into a Rant, depending on what the nay-sayers of the world do with this, but for right now it’s a Rave… and this Rave is for Grand Theft Auto 3 by Rockstar Games. Before we go any further, let me get on the soap box right now: This is for Adults only. Should you see anyone under the age of 18 and they have this game, go yell at their parents; for as great as it is, it’s all about adult humor.
Continue reading PS2: Grand Theft Auto 3


Yay TiVo! A friend of mine turned me onto this lil gadget a while ago and I shunned it for a long while because I figured “Got a VCR, why bother”. That comment alone could get me stoned by the nearest UberGeek, but even so, I defend the comment! At least I would have… but I don’t because I was wrong: TiVo is worth it. Not only from a “pause” live TV bit, but from an ease of recording thing too.
Continue reading TiVo

What you got?

What’s been on my CD player later? What about the MP3 players, is probably a better question. I warn you the I have an eclectic taste in music – Lately there’s been a lot of The Goo Goo Dolls… also some of The Calling. Not to mention Eve 6. For some unknown reason I’ve been listening to Kenny Chesney – seems to be a soothing thing. To counteract that, I’ve rediscovered The Offspring and Green Day. I seem to pick up music from time to time – if I pick up anything good, I’ll post it here.

“Why are you telling us all of this crap?”

Why? Well why not? In the last 29 years, I’ve witnessed some outlandishly bone-headed things happen right before my very eyes. I’ve seen governments fall, billionaires rise, and a lot of people just existing on horizontal planes of society. Who am I? I’m a programmer, first and foremost. I believe that logic is the basis of making decisions in a world where logic is rarely given a second thought while making decisions. I’m the guy that will stand up in a sales meeting to leave, because I usually think they’re kidding when being pitched a new product. I’m the type of person that will can find humor in anything and laugh at nothing, yet stupidity in most things will cause an Episode. So what can you expect here? If I knew that, I’d have posted a table of contents… I figure I’ll start with some things that catch my fancy and go from there. Oh, and thanks for stopping by!

Tribute to CityDesk

No, that’s not a typo – this is GeekStuffs. Stuff is an important and generic enough word where it needs a specific plural – I cite “foodstuffs” from 1984 as example. Anyway, this is a tribute to CityDesk. They made this kickass blogging tool that lets me do all this typing. One I got the format setup to how I like it, they just let me drop in new articles. Some neat stuff that. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks. Um, so thanks.