Must be a slow day for news, given MSN’s home page today…
Teacher’s graduation speech offends some …by telling people “the world needs parents that take care of their family rather than more entrepreneurs. How is that offensive? Because someone doesn’t agree with the way of life you’ve chosen or because you don’t agree with the advice? Either way, this is a classic “DON’T JUDGE ME!” moment that’s brewing, even though in this case, it’s just having an opinion. Now why is this a new story at all?
Entire class of students booted off flight …rage for this one because of the reaction of the kids. Why were they punted? “Reports from Flight Attendants and other Customers confirm some passengers in the group would not sit down in their seats and some were using their mobile devices. Both are violations of Federal Air Regulations, as well as our policies,” the statement says. What’s the reaction by the students? But some members of the group are saying they feel as if they were targeted for being Jewish. “They treated us like we were terrorists,” a student, Jonathan Zehavi, told CNN. My opinion? You were treated like the irresponsible fuckers you are and likely should have been removed from the plane a long time before you actually were. When you buy a ticket you are entering a contract; you fumbled your side of that contract and you lost your seat. At least this is sorta news.
One-armed volleyball player, 18, dies …um, OK?
Lululemon promises ‘great coverage’ for rears …really? At least this is in the business section on a click-through. If the original product didn’t defend the front, I wonder where this story would have landed.
Giant floating head mystery may be solved …east coasters need less free time.
Wildlife workers hunt to kill vampire fish …um, OK?
Fan kicked my Miguel may have brain damage …you went to see a singer [dancer? artist?] that can sometimes jump into a crowd… you were close enough to get hit and you didn’t move? Reminds me of baseball fans that don’t pay attention along the sidelines… I would ask for a “before” write up on mental state before filing the lawsuit. Oi.
Hero dog has surgery, like Yoda she looks …WTF man!