And To The Government: Thanks!

You stupid, re-election-focused motherfuckers, I’d like to offer a review on your performance today.

You are failing your country and the people that have voted for you. You are not doing the job you were elected to do. You are active helping to destroy the country. You are kowtowing to the angry voice of the mob when you should be a calm and responsible legislative leader for your people. You are not helping your party because when the country collapses, the first people the survivors will cage for food consumption will be the politicians, followed by lawyers; there will be no more party to support. Think I’m wrong? See who was around pre-Depression and who survived. FDR took action and got shit done; his party survived.

Do your fuckin’ jobs, make the hard right choice and pass this bill.


To Nancy Pelosi: You are fired, effective immediately. Pack your bags and get out. If you think it’s time for politics, given this situation, you don’t understand economics or finance – you only understand politics. Go be political somewhere else because you are no longer needed in a government body that needs to get. things. done.

To the one Congressman than said “It’s hard to vote yes on such an unpopular matter” I want you dragged to the public square to be tarred and feathered.

To the mass populous that is making this an unpopular matter, strutting around with “CEO’s get enough money” and “Why do we care about Wall Street anyway?” you lot need to get the hell out of this country and go to some place with an easier, decision free life, like China or Vietnam. If it’s not obvious as to why Wall St. needs to keep going – if you can’t get it through your pop-culture saturated minds to see that Wall St. impacts every single aspect of your life, you’re cast out of this country due to natural selection. You’re too dumb to hold onto your citizenship.

To the rest of the Democratic-controlled Congress, thanks for not stepping up and taking control of the situation, doing what had to be done.

To the rest of the Republicans in Congress, what the fuck is the matter with you lot? Are you waiting for help from the Bible to tell you that this was the Zero Hour? Don’t you know it’s time to call in favors on the other side of the aisle, you fat, pompous despots?

Saddest day in American Business History.

…so far.

3 thoughts on “And To The Government: Thanks!”

  1. oO, nice time delayed response. Do you wait until after a football game to tell people “I knew they’d win”?

    And what does this have to do with wanting a timely response from the government in the time of crisis? How is it their fault if the company decides to the fuck the government? Gov should put a stop payment on the check and move on…

    Jeez slow people piss me off.

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