Cause and Mass Effect

Joystiq: Keighley takes on Fox News’ seXbox seXposé

This one is worth a look, honestly because I love the fact that they parade this woman out in front of the camera to talk about how a video game is making 13 year old boys look at women as objects of desire. Right, because their own dropping balls don’t do that. And they wouldn’t have the slightest reaction to the bumping and grinding of MTV. Or certainly not from Cinemax after 11pm.

No, obviously the sole culprit is a video game that shows no nudity unless you play through the entire “choose your own adventure” storyline with a sense of romantic interest. If you act like a dick, you don’t get into the romantic subplot. As the game expert states “you don’t put the game in and it asks you ‘do want to have sex?'” That coupled with the “have you played the game?” ‘No [of course not].’ “So how do you know what it’s like?” exchange actually made me snort. That one of the panelists late in the ‘cast says “I don’t understand why [the ESRB] didn’t give it the highest rating of Adults Only” – uh, maybe because they played the game and got the rating right and you lot all are simply repeating what you’ve heard is in the game, rather than what the game really is?

Personally, I love how the debate and the after interview panel all agree on one thing: it’s obvious that this is a new problem – one caused by the game. In fact, it’s the game’s fault for parents not taking responsibility for their children’s upbringing and what their children do. Oh, sorry, did I just drip sarcasm on your shoe?

Classic newscast.

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