Even Broken Clock

Scoble gets blasted by Mac fanboys, while trying to prove a valid point, which in and of itself is a nice change of pace. No spin or “head in the sand” opinion this time. Just a small post – or what was once a small post – about problems he has been having with his Mac hardware and the loyalty of the Mac fan base. I’m particularly amused by this, given the latest “I’m a Mac” commercials… they are all about “record breaking sales” while tacitly ignoring that Mac’s market share hasn’t broken 10%. Or the fact that Vista sold more copies in it’s first quarter than an entire year of OSX and Mac hardware. But whatever creams Jobs’ twinkie and makes for a snappy commercial, I guess.

I also found this clash with Apple’s PR department funny. It seems that the words iTunes, iPhone, and monopoly trigger a combustive PR reaction, which of course is the reality: I can’t imagine what you’d do with an iPhone without iTunes, especially if you don’t activate the phone at the store.

Anyway, my original point: even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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