while (life) {
if (rand() == GetCurrentTicksFromBirth())
Should be as simple as that, but it never is. Sorry – I’ve just been rather… reflective lately. Changing things around my house. Toying with shaving my head for Halloween. Contemplating blocking Fox from my cable box for the next couple of weeks, to avoid the insanity of Boston in a World Series. It’s also probably the re-org – whenever work changes gears I usually need to take a step back to catch my breath…
Maybe it’s because I’m turning 35 next month. Or maybe it’s because I now have one retired parents. Or maybe it’s because I know people that are younger than the socks in this picture, which have made their way from my Freshman year of high school in 1986, through two other schools, a cross-country move, and four different residences… even so – Chuck’ll confirm this – these are the thickest socks known to man, and while the elastics probably gave out years ago, they are still in one piece which is truly bizarre. Almost as bizarre as the fact that I found them in my sock drawer just this morning and said “what the hell do I have these for?”
I think I’ll just put them back in the drawer.
OMG!!! You actually still have those things. They are the thickest socks known to man — no doubt about that comment. I swear that they are 100% all synthetic plastic and eskimos could wear them for warmth…..
They don’t look nearly as long as I remember them which only means my legs got longer, but yep: the thickness is still there.
Sickness, tho, still having them.
Freak!!! lol!!! Flashing me back now Ran!