Halo 3.
I get it into my greedy little mitts in about an hour. According to Bungie.net there are currently 5,737 people online: a whole lot of them are overseas, judging by the map… even so, I have to tip my beanie to the Geeks at Bungie. The new H3 stats web site is just… awe inspiring. Have you seen it? Go look at it right now. There’s a whole lotta information up there. For instance, the game hasn’t gone live yet but 12,626,617 enemies have already been killed. Can you imagine what it will look like in a week from now, when the world gets the bits up and running?
Not to mention all of the other new stuff… snapshots, movie clips, custom maps – most of which you can click on the web site and auto download to your local session of Halo 3. Means I’ll be keeping my notebook next to me as I play…
And yes, I do have my retail kit at work today! I’ll be playing for a bit later tonight, then I’m off to the local ebGames to see what the line is like, and then I’m back home for some more fragging. Having the extra Xbox has certainly come in handy this week!
Oh, and, uh…
Finish the Fight.