Cloud Fraking Nine

I had trouble sleeping last night… my face was sore from smiling all night. While my soul was at peace, my mind was racing with visions of broken Red Sox fans as they watched a glorious rally in the 8th inning of last nights game. It was simply magical.

Oh, and how can you tell a ball player is spending their first year in Boston? They quoted by the media making the following statement: “We’re still up by 4.5, not down by 4.5,” Coco Crisp said, “so it’s hardly time to panic.” Poor bastard doesn’t know what he’s in for, playing on this ball club. The defeatest mentality of the Boston Fan already has them out of the playoffs and turning to football. It’s just their nature.

As for me, this one game made my season – the rest of it is just an epiloge.

2 thoughts on “Cloud Fraking Nine”

  1. What you clearly don’t get is the new attitude is Boston. You are remembering the 80’s and before attitude. I know is sounds crazy but the game last night really didn’t bother me at all. They are just to good a team to pull a ’78. So the Yankees fan ( i use that loosely because Yankees fans change their allegiances so quickly and most don’t even know who Thrumon Munson is) perception is skewed, much like their chances of winning another World Series as long as you have the curse of the A-Rod.

  2. You think one World Series in 83 years can change a city? It hasn’t: they lose one game and they thing the sky is falling. And in 1978 the Red Sox didn’t fold; the Yankees simply over powered them. And yes, this team can have that happen again – if not in the regular series, it can easily happen in the DLS.

    And you’re right. When the Yankees win the World Series, they start to plan so they can win it again – in Boston they took the opinion of “We won it last year – we can let someone else win this year.” I heard it from a number of different Boston fans – they just don’t deal well with winning. Yankees fans, having won 26 Series over the last 81 years, we don’t know what it’s like to not win for half centuries at a time. And for the record, A-Rod is not a curse. You cannot build a curse in two or three seasons. If you want to see a “curse” see Babe Ruth. Or take a case like Donnie Baseball – they made the playoffs the year he comes up and his last season, then the team wins four Rings over the next six seasons.

    And I *still* wear #15 out of respect for our Fallen Captain. I don’t know what Yankees fans you know, but the fans I know know what it means to wear pinstripes.


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