During high school, did you ever date a chick for a while and never get her into the sack? Come close, have some good times, but ya never get her into bed? And then one night, she hops out of the car, leaving you with a raging hard and says, “Hey it was fun and all, but I’m leaving tonight for another country, so you’ll never see me again – KTHXBYE!” leaving you in the driver’s seat with a pitched tent, a particular body part that’s so blue it almost looks like a Smurf mooning you, and a general feeling of un-satisfaction?
Yeah, well, the analogy holds for the series finale… in fact, after 8 years of watching, I’m so underwhelmed that I expect a new episode next week. And believe me – the finale of Cheers, where Sam closes the bar for the night at the end of a regular day, implying that he’ll be back at work tomorrow, is one of my more favorite endings. There doesn’t always have to be a spectacle, but there does have to be some form of closure. Looks like Six Feet Under stays in the #1 position for series finales.
No, no, I’m not over reacting, honest! I watched the east coast feed and when I was done, I called my sister to see if my DVR ate the ending.
It didn’t.
I bet people are just dumping HBO like a bad habit now that theres really nothing on it anymore. Probably why they left the ending so open methinks. If they start losing money they might find some lame way of bringing it back.