Red vs Blue: The Final Episode

Rooster Teeth just released hit their 100th and final episode of RedVsBlue today. Pre-sales of the Season 5 DVD have already started, which is good… even though I’ve already seen all of the episodes online, I know I’ll buy one. I’ve already got the other four seasons – in fact, I got Season 4 signed at PAX last year – and it’s interesting to watch the episodes flow into each other, when you don’t have to wait two weeks for the next installment.

I’m sorry to see it end, but after… five years? Six? I didn’t think about it before, but RvB is why I found out about Halo in the first place. I remember watching the first episode and thinking “what a riot – this is just like being caught in a game of Tribes! I wonder what they’re using for animation… what game is that?” A little while after that, Halo for the PC came out and I bought a copy. Then an Xbox Halo Special Edition. Then the launch night of Halo 2. Then I joined the MGS group, and later the XNA group, and worked with the people that made Halo 2 for Vista. Then there was the Halo 3 Beta… hell I’ve even talked with some people from Bungie about some tech as part of my job, as random tasks take you random places…

It’s not often that you can identify The Butterfly that started a butterfly effect in your life – thanks to all the people at RoosterTeeth for a great show (and for helping to seed my wardrobe with all the different t-shirts over the last few years!)

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