In a rare public discussion of her husband’s infidelity, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that she probably could not have gotten through her marital troubles without relying on her faith in God.
Translation: “I want to seem more balanced for any Republicans that are religious but not like what their party has done, so let me throw this out there and see if I can’t get more votes”.
I mean honestly: you’re talking your husband’s 10-year old marital affair now??? Besides, lemme call you on it Mz. Clinton: it wasn’t faith that got you through your husbands infidelity – it was the fact that your political party had way too much bad press with Bill at the time and needed damage control, you wanted and still needed their support for your Senate run , and you were afraid what people would think of you – politically – if you enabled the first US President to be divorced in office… which makes me wonder if that’s why we’ve seen your last name changes, depending on the audience you’re speaking to. Do you think Americans are so dumb that we won’t notice how the Rodham appears when speaking to or about women issues and disappears for other male focused interests? Not all of us are that dumb and gullible. And truth be told, I’m fine with all of that stuff. It shows that you are a very smart business person. I mean, it’s not because you’re a woman – you’ve already proven that you can be just a savvy and sneaky as a male. And that’s what I’m not fine with: that fact that you’re going to wrap this issue up in biblical wrapping paper and play the “woe is me, my faith my faith!” woman for press…
That’s a bit too much for me to swallow – too much like my other favorite Media Whore.
I hate to say this, but I actually agree with you here.
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