Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli

Wired: ‘Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly Counterstrike, a hugely popular online game published by Microsoft, in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns.’ Mr. Gates, your company is potentially legally liable the [sic] harm done at Virginia Tech. Your game, a killing simulator, according to the news that used to be in the Post, trained him to enjoy killing and how to kill.

Jesus Christ, Jack. Why not be a bit more subtle and just dance a jig on the graves of people that were killed just for going to class. You have no heart. No class. And you should be disbarred for wasting people’s time and energy for a self-serving invented witch hunt.

You, sir, are so beneath the human race that I believe you should be disbarred: you shouldn’t be allowed to speak for my species.

Furthermore, as per usual, you have your head up your ass.

Blame the person that pulled the trigger.

If the game is as hugely popular as you say than wouldn’t there be problems with all of the people that play the game? 75%? 50%? 0.0001%? What does this guy represent? Should several million people not play a title just so one psycho doesn’t go ballistic? I would say yes, if you could prove that this kid wouldn’t have turned mass murderer without the game. You can’t. And you know it. How about the simple truth that some people are mentally unfit for our society no matter what they play, watch, or listen to.

And considering that the previous two school shootings that were of this caliber, both happened before this game existed… here’s a thought though Jack, although you won’t like it because it won’t give you any press or help your Al Sharpton-esque crusade:

Blame the person that pulled the trigger.

He caused this misery. Not the game maker, the game publisher, the media, the networks, the gun manufacturers, or even the University president. As much as you want to blame someone else, you can’t. Not in good conscience. And if you do, you may as well blame yourself as well – maybe he only selected this title because of all the rabble rousing you do…

Blame the person that pulled the trigger.

4 thoughts on “Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli”

  1. I am sick and tried of every pointing the finger at every one else. In the mid 80’s when the fad was to blame heavy metal rocker for the suicides of kids. Then you learn that the kids were holed up for 18 hours straight listening to one song over and over.

    I would love for the parents to come out and say, “Hey, we could have done a better job to pay attention to the warning signs that our son had trouble. After all, we spend the most time with him and should have known”.

    But no, we will never here this.

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