Update From GDC

Just an updated short update and some numbers, since this is being posted from the Dash a PC, after the Women in Games party.

Number of people at GDC: huge number. Feels as big as Comdex cerca 2000, but that could be that Moscone is more intimate.

Number of people at Nintendo keynote: the number of people at GDC times 2.

Number of people at Sony keynote: 2/3 the number of people at GDC.

Trixie sightings so far: 3.

Number of women at the party tonight: 3 times the number of men.

Number of kills in Gears of War versus the Gamerchix: 1

Number of deaths in Gears of War versus the Gamerchix: 5

Props for my Blarg. shirt today: 1 (from Kitty (and that’s Gus in the picture, not me!))

Sessions missed: 2 (because they were full)

Shoes bought: 1 pair.

Shoes lost: 0.

Highest alcohol level so far: 120 proof.

Current alcohol level: 0.

Afternoon temperature: 65 in the sun, -5 in the shade, where I was having lunch.

Feeling for being an SDET at Microsoft after talking to people here: +50 respect, +25 lubb.

2 thoughts on “Update From GDC”

  1. I TOLD you the entire clan could kick m’ass, especially at GoW – I’ve been playing too much [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] so the control scheme was all weird! and I know I’m so so at it on a good day… all that need for cover…

    And now I’ma steal all yer Zuma achievements from yer profile! :P

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