*sigh* I’ve resorted to asking the LazyWeb(tm) mob for info!
I’ve had one email address at one domain for over 12 years now. I’ve got three Hotmail Windows Live Mail accounts. I’ve got a few other email addy’s now that I’m a DreamHost customer. While I have all of them streaming into one Outlook Inbox, I’d really like to retire the WLM accounts and simply forward any incoming mail to different POP3 account…
Anyone know if this is possible? Without running a client on a machine to manually forward the email… that would be too lame to do.
hi oh
1. Will SharpKeys work OK with Windows 8.1?
2. Are there ant issues involve in remapping a key that requires the use of Shift, eg. to get @ I have to use Shift + ” and there are three other wrong keys like this
Yes – Windows NT on through to Windows 10.
That scenario is not supported: SharpKeys remaps the whole key and not part of one . You can remap ” or Shift but not Shift + “.