Rock Bottom

CNN: North Korea’s claim to have tested a nuclear weapon drew widespread condemnation Monday, with the United States calling it potentially a “provocative act” and even close ally China strongly opposing it.

Wild shit: US, China, and Russia all agree that this is a pooch screw and they’re all bashing it. Vocally. First time in a long time that the three more powerful nations have been united in their opinions… of course Japan, South Korean, and Australia are also on board, but that’s hardly a surprise, given their location. All of Europe too, and that’s remarkable: some nations in the EU will do anything just to prove that they aren’t American.

You know you’ve hit Rock Bottom when even France won’t support you.

6 thoughts on “Rock Bottom”

  1. I actually see no reason not to let NK have nukes(after all the US has them). What I do see a reason not to let them have is an undeniably insane leader. I have noticed that over the last year and a half, he has been making these announcements on an almost monthly basis, I think he has nothing and just can’t stand to be out of the news…

  2. You, sir, are an idiot.

    Simply put, the biggest fear isn’t that North Korea HAS nuclear weapons – the fear is who are they going to GIVE them to. Also, if North Korea is “allowed” to have them – without an uproar – what would stop other nations that are even more unstable from having them? Consider Thailand, which just had a coup. Whoever took over would now be a nuclear power. How is that a good idea? Do you want Cuba to have them? Mexico? Japan? Germany? It’s bad enough Israel won’t admit to having them – because they shouldn’t have them either, given their history – but the nations in this list aren’t supplying other nations or terrorist organizations with weapons.

    Ever wonder what to make of a religious group that responds to “I think Muslum Extremists are violent” with “YOU LIE! KILL THE INFIDELS!”? The same types of people that have already been successful in blowing up things? Do you WANT them to have globally destructive weapons simply by supplying North Korea with cash? The KKK? Neo-Nazi’s? Pick ANY organization that has used destruction as a tool in the past and runs without a government R&D center: they are ALL potential customers. North Korea has sold weapons to other people before – there’s no reason for them to sell this Rolls Royce of bombs.

    I hope to God that you’re just repeating someone else’s ideas and that you didn’t think this thru on your own.

  3. I was mearly sugesting that the US get rid of there own wmd’s before they go getting all upty whenever anyone else gets them. If we are too mature to use wmds. Then we arn’t going to use them. So why do we have them. Afterall. They do give other, less stable and mature countries, the moral authority, in their minds, to have wmds too.

  4. We have nuclear weapons for the same reason we have had guns, cannons, chemical, and every other known style of weapon known to man: because they exist. The “beauty” of nuclear weapons is that now that we KNOW what they do – see WWII for an example – that they don’t HAVE to be used yet you can never be rid of them because not everyone will. If all but one power got rid of nukes, then that one power can become a world-level dictatorship, without anyone to keep it in check. Once this type of weapon was discovered, it was all over, so blame the Manhattan Project: once that was successful, it was a done deal… there will NEVER be a guarantee that ALL country will abandon nuclear weapons – the only option is to maintain a checks and balance system. Which is EXACTLY what North Korea threatens to upset.

    The danger of North Korea having these weapons is a) they are unstable enough to USE them and b) even if they don’t use them, they are likely to sell them to people that are MORE unstable and likely to use them.

    It’s not a question of who HAS them in this case – it’s who has them and who will USE them. This isn’t a question of who “gets to have” thing just because we do or don’t. This is a global level issue.

    Détente only happens when ALL sides act at the same time and in equal measure: that doesn’t happen here.

    The absolute kicker to it all is that the reactors that are being used to supply the nuclear firepower were funded by us, a la the Clinton administration. So much for “we’re only going to use this as a peaceful power supply” – and they wonder why we’re worried about Iran.

  5. ok. If it is a checks and ballances system. then maybe NK has a good reason to have them. Maybe it is to keep a check on the US so that the US does not attack NK like they did Iraq…

    I do not think it a good thing that anyone has nukes. and I certantly wish that Star Wars had been successfull.

  6. Dude, yer a fuckin’ moron. Just this morning, North Korea warns the WORLD that they might have to fire a nuclear missle, just for proof’s sake. And here you are, not getting WHY it’s dangerous for them to have them. You don’t even acknowledge that they could sell them. Further, if we attacked North Korea, China would ram their army down our throats: there’s your check and balance. NOW, post this nuclear test, CHINA is pro-sanctions and CHINA is threatened by North Korea. They alienated their biggest supporter.

    But for you, there’s no point in debating this: you’re “I wish the world had no weapons” attitude prevents it. In a battle of wits, you’re unarmed. So I’m off to another topic. :)

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