Clear As Crystal

Playstation 3 fan boys are freaking out.

I don’t know why – it simply clears up their marketing strategy.

Well, at least the fan boys in Europe are. Fan boys in the US and Japan are simply scrambling and plotting seeing as there’s about to be a foot race for hardware.

Sony dropped a pair of bombs on the world yesterday, with regards to the PS3: one is that there will only be 500,000 units available for the US and Japan this holiday season. That means 500K for both nations: US gets 400K and Japan gets 100K. Simply put, there’s no physical way for them to sell more than a million before year end. Oops, that’s a blown prediction. And it dictates shortages.

Massive honkin shortages. Assuming people still want the thing – more on that in a bit. Either way, was it this way for the PS2? It’s so long ago that most people would have forgotten and given the success of the PS2, it “doesn’t matter” – getting it out the door will cause forgiveness to ooze from fans… Gamers often over react and panic quickly but they’re also forgiving when appeased.

The other bomb is that Sony is claiming that the PAL TV standard – in the US and Japan we use NTSC – is “complicated” so they are delaying the launch of the PS3 until March 2007. European fan boys are not happy. Angry Gamer flew right off the handle yesterday, and if you read the open letter to Sony, it’s justified. And it includes an inexplicable picture of Alyson Hannigan, but she’s so damned cute it sorta adds to the post. *shrug*

Oh, another bit of news is that the PS3 isn’t offering 1080p games. And the game load times are expected to be uber slow. And they aren’t including HDMI cables in the system.

Ah, just another day in the gaming industry, I guess: rampant angst combined with rumor and speculation.

What’s crystal clear to me is why the PS3 is so expensive and revolutionary: given the production numbers, they are demanding that people buy one console and share it with their friends. Far be it from me to point that out to the Sony stock holders, but obviously this is revolutionary… How often do companies want you to share their products, so other people don’t have to buy them?

Told ya: revolutionary.

<subliminal> don’t wait for it – go get a 360 now (and maybe a Wii “chaser” in December) </subliminal>

6 thoughts on “Clear As Crystal”

  1. Um, how is being excited for either the game box I own or the coming Wii have anyting to do with being “blindly” Microsoft biased? Are that any of the above news for the PS3 is good for Sony somehow? Wouldn’t that make ya blindly pro-Sony or blindly anti-Microsoft?

    Whoo! Spin!

  2. You havent posted anything bad about the Xbox 360, just post bad stuff other people have said about it and have bashed them, and you have never posted anything good about the PS3, you just search the internet for anything bad you can find on it and post it. Its your blog, you can be as biased as you want. But its biased never the less

  3. Well, gee, I guess I should say thanks for allowing me to write my own opinions.

    But on the flip side to that, what is there to write about on the PS3? I haven’t see the graphics, I haven’t played it, I haven’t scooped any of the games that are coming… so I have nothing to say there, good or bad. The Cell processor? Haven’t tried it yet. The motion sensative controller? Yeah, I tried that in 1998 when there was a Sidewinder controller from MS and I didn’t like it then. The HDMI support? My TV doesn’t support it. So what good IS there?

    What I’m relaying here about the PS3 is what I got from sites that are PRO-PS3 and I’m not searching for it – it’s what comes over every single day at Joystiq and Kotaku – take it up with them.

    Notice me say anything good/bad about the Wii? Got no info on that either. I don’t think I’ll like the motion stuff on there either, but I won’t know until I try it – and I’ve written that before. Haven’t seen it in person and that too matters. Bad stuff about the DS/DS Lite? Sure people are having hinges crack – mine hasn’t. People have had 360’s crap out on them – mine hasn’t. My 360 is hung three times since I’ve owned it, all on one or two pieces of software that are known to be buggy and have since been patched. And I wrote about those too.

    So is it bias? Or just reporting what happens to me? I think it’s less biased than someone that is obviously biased to be anti-Microsoft want’s to hear.

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