Using Your Head

Confession time… I watched the majority of the World Cup match today. Not that I had a huge stake in either team, mind… of course, if the US is out – at least they were able to score in Europe… sorta – I’d be pulling for Italy. Especially against France. Pft.

Anyway, what was the most thrilling part of the match? When Zidane got his red card for head butting an Italian player in the chest in a behind-the-play tantrum. One minute there’s two players taunting each other slightly as they walk down the field – the next this French dude is head butting this Italian dude’s chest. I was like “Whoa, wouldn’t that be a foul?” Looks like it, if the ref sees it. And of course, this is where the “best part” comes into play… it wasn’t the head butt but it was the aftermath: the game commentators finally had to shut the fuck up!

All game… “Zidane this” and “Zidane that” and “Zidane-” a va fangul! Sure there’s a story there. Yeah this is his “last game” but jeez. They went on and on about him… soccer matches go on for over two hours without the overtime. Here’s this “champion of the game” pulling the FIFA equivelent of taking your helmet off in the NFL and beating another player with it. And then pissing on his unconscious body. Class act indeed.

They also went on and on about the FIFA World Cup trophy. I agree that it’s a unique one: you compete against the whole world to get it, once every four years. Erm. Isn’t that very Olympic like? Sure does sound familiar. Then I saw the Cup itself… well I’ve seen the NBA trophy… and I’ve lusted after the MLB World Series flags… the Vince Lombari trophy looks more art than sporting hardware: that too kicks ass. But none of them are Cups. There’s only one Cup in professional sports that I’d consider “worthy” and that comes from Lord Stanley’s china closet.

Hey ABC/ESPN? The Stanley Cup will crush your little golden globe trophy flat – it would be a golden coaster at the end of an encounter. And given the nature of hockey players, I don’t think the FIFA Cup would survive the rounds of partying that them ice boys like to run the Cup through… just something to keep in mind while you gush about a cute lil thing that looks like a bobble head version of an Oscar. If there can be “only one” it’s Lord Stanley’s and no other.

Even so… I can see why people watch it… it did hold my attention for over 115 minutes of play. And the Italians did win… maybe it’s time I go get a new 360 game… *g*

At the very least it’s shamed me into going to the gym now – in my current condition, I woulda passed out before the warm ups ended.

2 thoughts on “Using Your Head”

  1. I was at my parents’ house on Sunday afternoon and saw the end of the World Cup championship match. Shortly after Italy won, the street was full of people driving around honking horns and waving the Italian flag. Even a lone bicyclist was riding with a big Italian flag on the back of his bike. It’s not exactly Little Italy but there sure was some celebrating. How about in your neck of the woods?

  2. Ah, people knew there was a soccer game on, but not much reaction to Italy winning. Wouldn’t have been much for French. My manager is Brazilian; he’s been in a funk for weeks, so even he didn’t have much reaction to it.

    Not many WOP’s out here, actually… I’m almost exotic by WA standards :)

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