Petition: Add Tarutaru punting to the next Final Fantasy XI expansion pack. […] Please included a Tarutaru punting mini-game in the next expansion pack to Final Fantasy XI. Everyone was disappointed to learn they could not punt a Tarutaru, they are nearly the size and shape of a football, and should be punted. Thank you for your time in considering the matter.
Couldn’t resist this one… true, I don’t play “much” FF, but in my experiences punting is a worthwhile addition to any video game. Just look at Yeti Sports… who knew that throwing, punting, and twirling penguins could be fun?
Well, true I did, but no one asked me about it, so pft.
Imagine if you could punt a grunt in H2: stick a grenade to one of them, scoop’m up and *punt*… whoo!
You rock bro. If this works, we could start a revolution, if not an era in videogames. Where punting is not only accepted, but celebrated. True, I never thought about punting grunts, but that would actually be hella cool. I would totally sign a petition for that one. It could replace the energy sword as the fatal melee attack. Red elite trying to steal your flag? Punt his ass back to his base, that’ll learn’em. Ok, so maybe not. But a guy can dream.