It came to me while driving to work, while listening to a talk show this morning. The talk show isn’t all that political, but seeing as a high ranking “officer” of a terrorist organization was capped today, they were taking calls about it. The stand of the radio host was “the Bush administration is responsible for the US being there and getting this done – good or bad for the Prez?”
Of the three people that called in, all three of them said “bad for Bush”. All three calls went like this: “I don’t agree with Bush” ‘What about?’ “Well, I don’t think that he should be given credit for it.” ‘It’s his administration that driving this.’ “Yeah, but it’s not like HE’S doing the work.” ‘…’ One guy even went on to say that the Army just “got lucky” when they hit this guy. The host pointed out that the Army sure did get lucky since it was an Air Force strike.
The American public suck at times. If you’re going to like or not like a guy, have a reason. And for God’s sake make it a good reason, if you are pressed to justify your opinion… I would swear that the three callers have this opinion because they were told to have the opinion. By who? By the media, of course. And that’s when it hit me…
The Bush family is the antithesis of the Kennedy family.
And it’s the media that defines that.
I mean the Kennedy’s, right? JFK was a womanizer. Depending on who you believe, there was some sort of shady dealings to getting him into office in the first place… vote early and vote often, and all that crap. Smacked Nixon around in the presidential debates b/c he looked better – not because he sounded better. Shot by… well, depends on who you believe there too. I say Mob. Bobby? Killed. JohnJohn? Can’t fly. Rose? Went nuts. Teddy? So freakin pickled that I think he passed on in 1995 and the body is still just moving on its own.
The public? Loves’m. Press? Loves to follow them. The only one worth a damn was Jackie and she wasn’t even blood.
Bush family… not a womanizer and a reformed drunk. Barbara looked 90 for 35 years, so I’d say they don’t drop off easily. Shady deals? Maybe, but it seems that all their “back door deals” are done in plain view, either because of the media exposing it or b/c they’re that dumb. Current Bush isn’t as swave as his competition, yet he still got the win… Florida? I mean did Jeb cause all the confusion with the Floridian elections? That would be a similarity but I don’t know that Jeb is effective enough to pull that off and not get caught.
Either way, the Kennedy family could shit on the Constitution and the media would praise them, especially if it soaked through the first three Articles. Ford will never be credited for anything but falling down. Carter, for all his quality speach making, will only ever be known as a peanut farmer. Reagan took naps and no one cared; maybe because Nancy was at the helm, but still – Reagan had to sleep away at least 2 years of his second term. The Bush family could shit gold and the press would tell the people to complain about the smell. Not because it smelled bad but because they won’t know what else to think without guidance.
And the people would complain about and you know that! That’s the sad part of it all. It’s not that the Kennedy’s were bad or the Bush’s are good – it’s that the mass populous will go with what they are told.
Perception is a frightening thing.
And after hearing the three choice callers this morning I sorta felt like moving north, before I started growing wool and bah’ing at other people.
i just read the comments that you heard on the radio, about bush… being a u.s. resident… life here is a mess in general…theres talk of mutiny everywhere… everyone i talked to believes that the reason were involved with the middle east, to a large degree is due to bush seniors embarassment over saddam h. and of course oil… and of course the united states cant keep there meddling hands out of other countries business… but that only applies when the u.s business interests are involved… so big money equals human life… ive lived here all my life.. if i had the chance id escape to anouther country… the u.s is a dangerous place to live.. gated communities, gangs, dope, homelessness, a social system so bogged down that they have lost the ability to care… whats so scarey about that in general is that this nation as a whole has lost their Humanity… look what happened at new orleans… no friggan humanity…. so tell me where do i go ? wheres the best place to raise my 14 yr old autistic son… where do neighbors still knock on your door to see if you are ok, or to just have a cup of coffee…. not here… poof its gone…. then again maybe its been replaced by….. anouther mall
I agree with all of that.