MSNBC: “If we don’t come out, they’re going to paint us as criminals,” Aguilar said. “We’ve only come here to earn money with the sweat of our brow.”
Oh, well then. That makes everything OK, does it?
Not much to add onto this one.
Well, aside from the fact that people are calling this an Immigrant Rally. Sorry, folks, but this is an Illegal Immigrant Rally. Sure, there will be legal immigrants out at the rally, showing support for their former countrymen, but that doesn’t change a thing.
Oh, and that now I’ve been hearing a lot about “illegal immigrants are taking jobs that American’s don’t want”. Maybe. Sorta. Let’s look at it this way: if I was a business owner and I had the opportunity to hire an illegal immigrant at 1/4 to 1/2 the price of what a legal citizen would cost me, which would I choose? Yeah, sure I’d be just as guilty of causing this problem as the illegal alien, but that’s a byproduct of the situation. Let me put it another way: if this was happening in retail, it would be called price fixing. You’re dumping cheap labor into a pool without any control with a willful purpose of controlling that market. Look at today’s rally: it’s core focus is to fuck with local economies. Never mind the whole hole in the tax collection pool.
That might be something new to mention… the illegal aliens are purposely attempting to extort citizenship by holding the economy hostage. Oops, that’s not going to get them more support from non-partial citizens, is it? Not to mention the fact that people are protesting for US citizenship while holding Mexican flags. I mean, I’m all for hometown pride, but what the fuck is wrong with this picture? If you loved Mexico that much, why on earth are you rallying to become an American citizens? And what do you think people will think when they see that?
The thing that is amusing me the most is the lack of input from Hollywood. They’re in a no win situation on this one, just like I said they’d be the last time this topic came up. Obviously Hollywood would want to come out for the illegal aliens: they employ a whole bunch in Beverly Hills. But in doing so, I think they would blow what little credibility they currently have politically. It’s one thing to be anti-gun or pro-rights, but this whole thing is illegal: the law is pretty clear cut on that. And if they come out for the law, they lose their staff. They can’t do a thing to help themselves for this, so they’ll just sit quiet.
OK, so I did have more to say, but it’s really a rehash from the last post since the situation hasn’t changed. Personally, I don’t know that these protestors would make good citizens. Sure they got the Right to Protest down but their execution could use some work, and frankly, I don’t think that extortion is the best path to citizenship. Imagine the elections next November? “Our candidate lost, so we’re going to protest until we get our way!” Yeah. That’s America. *snort* [FWIW, the title of this post is pretty much “Outrage!”]
Simply remarkable, the whole bloody thing.
If there not hurting anyone, I don’t see what every one is so mad about. They just want to stand up for what they believe in. I say more power to them. As long as they aren’t rioting. What other way would you suggest they try and speak their mind? Or would you prefer they keep shut and just wait to get deported? It’s true what they did was illegal, but they had no other way. It’s nearly impossible to get citzenship here. They’re just trying to feed their fammilies. Money being sent from workers in the U.S. to Mexico, is Mexico’s biggest income. They come over here and do back breaking or degrating work just so their wives and kids can eat. I find honor in that. If the roles were reversed I would do the same for my wife.
What we did to the Native Americans was far worse. We slaughtered them and destroyed everything they held sacred so we could live comfortably. All the immigrants want to do is work. I say let’em.
No. Theres a right way and a wrong way to do things. Sorry, but if people need to flee their homes for a better life, then something needs to happen at their home. Not mine.
What did that sign say on the news the other night….”we don’t need you to be employed here, we’ve already got illegal jobs, like prostitues and drug dealers”
Well, it’s that you don’t see there’s a problem is probably the first problem and that you think no one is hurt by it. Taxes, lost jobs, lost wages, uncontrolled immigration – what have you… there’s about 12 million ppl unaccounted for in the nation – that’s hurting the nation.
Better question: if we’re going to make special conditions for Mexicans that come over the southern border, does that mean we should look the other way for Canadians on the northern border? Ignore the shore lines too? Just allow everyone in because… well I don’t know why – is there a reason for that?
We have an immigration process because we’d all be fucked if we opened all the borders to everyone. From a security AND an economic point of view. I don’t see why the southern border should be treated as special, just because they’re attached. Especially when these would be citizens are shoving a Mexican flag in our faces – that just makes it ridiculous.
Beyond that, I don’t care what we did to Native Americans. Honestly, I don’t. I’m not any part of that “we” than I was part of the Civil War. Or WWI or WWII. Along the same lines, I don’t care what Italy did to my relatives 100 years ago. I don’t care that slaves were brought here 200 years ago. I don’t care that an Egyptian King got sacked in the Red Sea 4000 years ago by a prophet named Moses. I should be held accountable for the sins commited in my life time and by my generation.
I think the US has done more than enough for recognizing reservations and relaxing laws and taxes in retribution. It’s more than they had to do, frankly, and that’s that.
And even if what was done 300 years ago on this soil *was* a factor, what does that have to do with ILLEGAL immigration today, in the here and now? (and yeah, I’m emphasizing ILLEGAL – it’s the one word left out of your argument above and it’s a very, VERY important one.)
This whole immigration thing is so retarded. I dont know why now a days the US government are such ass holes, cause way back when the US used to issue temp work visas, and even put ads in the papers saying that these ‘immigrant workers’ were needed. Well now we got em’, and we’re sick of em.
They come here illegally yes. But I dont think we’re losing an amazing amount of tax, or our economy is suffering. There has to be a diplomatic solution to this whole mess. First, before anyone gets deported, we need to tighten our borders, cause if we get em out, they can just as easily come back. I think a lot of this needs to be treated in a by case basis. If they’ve been here an alotted period of time, and have actually been paying taxes, give them a visa, and from there they can obtain thier citizenship. If they owe, they can pay or leave. And if they just bounced over then, send them back.
True, we have plenty of illegal activity such as prostitution and drugs, but the enforcement isnt all that great, and even after encarceration they go back to what they were doing before. In this case, these ‘illegals’ actually work and dont collect welfare like a big portion of our poor populous.
Well I didn’t mention the Canadian border, because, frankly, they don’t want to come to our shit hole country when theirs is 10 times better. Fuck, I’d go to Canada if it wasn’t so God Damned cold.
And to compare ILLEGAL immigrants to prostitutes and drug dealers is just racist. They are criminals persay, but thats like comparing shop lifters to rapists. There are different levels of crimes. And illegal immigration is about as “victim-less” as you can really get. The poor and uneducated american born drop-outs hurt our nation a lot worse.
Um, I wasn’t comparing the crimes Obed, I was comparing the employment of illegal occupations.
For me, taking from my home without contributing back into it is wrong. Thats what prostitutes do, drug dealers, illegal immigrant workers…
@Violet: True. They can’t collect from our government….but neither could I when I was looking for funding to help with costs for college (my parents make too much money). Still, I pay taxes. Most of the people on welfare aren’t working therefore not paying taxes…but thats a whole different issue that I wish to not discuss.
“There has to be a diplomatic solution to this whole mess. First, before anyone gets deported, we need to tighten our borders, cause if we get em out, they can just as easily come back. I think a lot of this needs to be treated in a by case basis. If they’ve been here an alotted period of time, and have actually been paying taxes, give them a visa, and from there they can obtain thier citizenship. If they owe, they can pay or leave. And if they just bounced over then, send them back.”
I almost completely agree. When all of this first happened, the first reaction as “deport them all”. Then the government said, with lobbiests whispering in their ears, “Whoa, wait, that would cripple CA and NY – we can’t do that – besides, we’d lose the hispanic vote” and took a step back.
What they’re debating about right now is the tightening of both borders, finding out who isn’t supposed to be here, and giving them a path to citizenship. As part of that path, they will be expected to pay some back taxes – IF they can figure out how long they’ve been here and if they haven’t been paying any. Frankly, I don’t know how you can be here illegaly and pay taxes… you need a social security number to pay taxes, and you can’t legally get that without proof of birth, so I’m betting that 95% of the illegal alien workforce isn’t paying their taxes. Would be like getting a fake ID to vote before you’re 18 – you can do it, but who in their right might would? Anyway, for arguments sake, assume that that can happen.
These protests are because the illegal immigrants don’t like even this. They want citizenship, right now, and for nothing. Without process and without any benefit to the American people. They don’t want to pay back taxes. They also don’t want us to tighten the border. They claim “we’re not criminals because we snuck in” and that’s bullshit. They are criminals, in that they broke a law. Same as someone that fudges on their taxes, or someone that gets busted in a DUI, or for underaged drinking, or even for jaywalking or petty shoplifting. It doesn’t make you a bad person or an evil prick, but you’re *still* guilty of breaking the law. Even if you think it’s a silly law. Even if you don’t agree with it – it’s what’s on the books.
THAT’S why I’m anti-protest over this whole matter. I’ve stated that a few times over the different posts: I’m not saying deport them all. I’m saying that if they want to stay, they need to earn it just like every other legal immigrant has. They need to apply and pay taxes and all of the other stuff that legal immigrants do. Just because you found your way here, it shouldn’t entitle you for anything; in this case it should only entitle you to a chance at getting in line with everyone else. I work with ppl that have had to get wait for a work visa, go to classes, and take a test to get citizenship… they were glad for it and I’m pretty fuckin’ proud of them and my nation, that they want to live here.
Why should people that are from a country that share a border with us be treated any differently than any other nation?
BTW Obed, the fact that I am racist has already been made clear. :)
Oh, and on the whole Native American thing..come on now. Did you or I do that? Do we KNOW anyone that did? NO! Get over it. They need to get over it. I am not going to pay any kind of restitution or homeage to something that white people did 5 generations ago.
Besides, 5 generations ago my family was reading their torahs in Poland and eating halvah during haunakkah.
Well i think as of now many of these illegals protesting, think that they are getting kicked out. I dont see a problem with the protests, its just its been given too much of a spotlight. And as to the people on welfare, isnt it worst that they pay no taxes, but collect money from our government? And yea, I can’t get any help for college either, but you cant blame that on the illegals, you blame that on poorly managed government spending. If the US truly wanted more graduates, the cost of school shouldnt be so high, some people dont make enough money in a full time job, to pay for one year of school, Thats messed up.
I just believe people should learn from thier past Anna. We are all immigrants here one way or another. Our ancestors came here looking for a better life. That’s exactly what the immigrants today are doing. They are just like anyone else. And while I do agree that what they are doing is illegal and wrong, they just have no other means. And that the nation should be a little more sympathetic.
Um, not to be difficult or anything, but I am not an immigrant. Sure, my family came over two generations ago or something from Europe, but they did it legally…So that has nothing to do with anything Obed. This is about immigrants that are here illegally and expecting citizenship to be granted by their fairy godmothers…like *poof* there it is. I don’t think so.